Norm MacDonald is a Christian

17  2018-01-13 by littlepeteferguson


He's got that Bob Kelly fat Puerto Rican syndrome


I think OP wanted people to trash Norm because he thought people on this sub would have a reflexive anti-Christian reaction.

OP is a limey, no doubt about it. Focus on the Muzzies m8, Ricky Gervais wannabe.

Sir, I will not tolerate that language.

That is a libelous statement and I have already expressed my opinion that England is a fag country

Isn't limey Irish? I dunno I'm just asking questions.

How about you watch the video faggot


I will not. I know all I need to know from the title.

So, the video has Norm saying he’s a Christian, Kevin Nealon asking if Norm goes to see the lions (presumably a reference to early Christians being fed to lions in the coliseum by the Romans), then Norm saying he goes to funerals and shouts “fuckin’ faggots!”

In this case, I think you are mistaken about OP’s intentions.


Norm ist the best. Here he is one the View:

He also doesn't drink or do drugs.

Norm is great. Fuck you, OP

Dude you guys are so fucking dumb. I am not chastising him if he actually a Christian or whatever. I just changed the title of the video to something he said in the fucking video before he said something hilarious.

We get it, you hate him. Simmer down, boy.

Jesus look at Kevin Nealon pump the brakes the second Norm says something funny.

OP is a limey, no doubt about it. Focus on the Muzzies m8, Ricky Gervais wannabe.

How about you watch the video faggot