Before Norton goes all "you just can't say that man" let's not forget about this.

164  2018-01-13 by Ifuckmymomanddad


Fat Jimmy v. Skinny Jimmy v. Gay Jimmy ... like the phases of the moon

Respect for including an Anthony reference in there.

Transexual Jimmy is next

All 100% unfunny faggots. Fuck the worm, overrated gay child abuse stories.

I is le ghost hurricane tss tss dvv dvv

Get out of here proudboy faggot

Get out of here, you fucking like

Shut up redbar

Gay Jimmy

*AIDS Jimmy

He sees both sides, tho.

Middle of the road Jimmy really has taken control of the host body.

He raped Colin?

I thought this sub was all about that too. you fucking retards keep saying you don't care about politics and only what's funny, but if Jimmy boy says it suddenly you all decide to be a bunch of neo-nazis


You people really are morons.

How does calling Jim out on his bullshit make us neo Nazis? Stupid nigger.

Shut up faggot.

Sam is rubbing off on him.

Let em in Sammy

Ehhh, that's a tough one man

I don't know man, I just don't know...

Oh shut the fuck up with this line already.

Uhhh, I don’t man (exhales) there is a lot to take in here.

Every single edition of Jimmy was a fraud. He might as well be Dana Carvey.

Dana Carvey was a fraud?

He's an impressionist.

Norton is def turtley enough for The Turtle Club.


When has Dana been a fraud? He's been the same guy for decades.

He does these impersonations...

You’d swear it was the real niggers.

He went through a God fearing tranny stage that was obviously just for attention.

As far as clean, dad comedians go, I like Dana Carvey and disagree with your assessment.

Ya peckahz

Yeah I only heard 7 seconds of it on the way here

"That's so long ago" or "That was a different time"

I spent all last week listening to lady di clips. I can't take hearing those phrases anymore

Yeah president Norton went over the line in this clip

Precisely what I was thinking.

That's totally not the point but okay

Is the point that opinion can't change from what he said over a decade ago?

No, the point is that Norton is a hypocrite if he criticises Trump for saying that, it doesn't matter that he's not President. The point the poster was making was less about that and more about Jimmy's hypocrisy. When I've listened to J&S I've noticed Jim tends to just sit on the fence most of the time though because it's easier

I think the point is the biased lefty leaning main stream media faggots come up with fake outrage to make the president look bad every fucking day since they lost so horribly when in reality he's only saying what real Americans feel/say.

You'd have to be a fucking commie nigger loser to not understand this btw

What's the point exactly then?


I bet he was "playing a privileged white Republican character"

He was really just tapping into the "post 9/11 America pride" shit

Always the worm, bending to the whims of popular opinion while being "edgy"

back when he was a funny turtle

His wardrobe in this episode is infuriating

Not as infuriating as you calling his clothes a wardrobe, you fucking shit-stabber.

Oh you’re all angry now

For 5 grand I’ll get rid of him for you.

What?! What?!

Tss.. its like hes takin a knife to his own diarreer or sumpthin

With Louis clapping all the while. These disgusting racists need to be brought down

A few minutes later...

Everybody should have sex with everybody who will let them

Louis “The consent kid” CK

Watching this clip just reinforces how safe all these mother lovers are now.

Patrice was right ( and about the chinese ) - this was their heyday. The could shine with their opinions.

Jimmy really does kinda suck now ( most of the time ).

Won't see them no more.

This old child rapist I worked with would always say " the fill in the blank kiiiiiid" I'm desperate to know where this kid ass slammer heard this, I see it on this sub all the time.

Jim Norton is a spineless chameleon.

Criticized Carlos Mencia for joke theft after Rogan exposed him, but looked the other way when it was Amy Schumer's turn.

Artie also stopped making Jew jokes since working on Crashing.

The entire lot of them are spineless sell-outs.

Shot or GASSED

Florentine voice Yeah, we were cutting gassers. iT was brewtal

The spineless worm criticized Carlos Mencia for joke theft after Rogan exposed him, but looked the other way when it was Amy Schumer.

Artie also stopped making Jew jokes since working on Crashing, while Anthony just looked like a deer in headlights when having to take sides between "a friend" and "someone who leans further right than that friend" (because the latter usually trumps all other considerations).

The entire lot of them are spineless sell-outs who only seem to have balls when they are the majority in the room. If they're not, they'll dance for peanuts.

To be fair... the Ant.. Bennington, and that shithead deal wasn't a take sides thing. He was caught off guard by a confrontation out of no where about complete bullshit. I would've handled it differently, but he did the right thing in the end. Ronny handled his shit. If Ant piles on, several variables kick in. The dude seems like he may be a problem.. so an escalation to violence on a live broadcast wouldn't be good. Ant got beat up by a fat black girl, he's not a fighter. He froze for sure. He's just not good with confrontation is all.

That's one take. Mine is that Ron got tired of Colin's the over-the-top racism, while Ant clearly wasn't. Ant could talk shit about the blacks 24/7 and just get younger doing it. And the longer Colin stayed on, the more obvious it became that Ron was getting on Ant's nerves as much as Colin's by pointing out flaws in his reasoning. Getting rid of Colin so he could go all-in with him at a later date when Ron isn't around was the only play Ant could make without taking sides.

Artie has also dropped a million f-bombs since getting the Crashing gig, so let's not act like he's suddenly PR savvy

How many Jew jokes? Because until that gig, they were as frequent as the black jokes.

Yeah, we need the count on that. He needs to speak the truth and combat the ZOG machine HH88

Do you remember what the original point was? He ain't working for blacks right now. It's okay to admit he cut down on the Jew jokes since they started paying him.

Do you remember what the original point was? He ain't working for blacks right now. It's okay to admit he cut down on the Jew jokes since they started paying him. If he were working for BET, he'd be back with the Jew jokes and laying off the n-word for a bit... is the point. Not that we need more Jew jokes in our lives. And only a Jew would try to turn this into that.

(Let me guess, Jewish?)

You take that back.

Does "Jew broad, fights draculas." count? He's told that one a thousand times.

Whoever printed that t-shirt spelled phony wrong

That's some panel. Dave Attell, Louie CK, Norton and Dipaolo. Tough Crowd was amazing, it should had lasted a few more seasons. Stupid fucking Comedy Central blows.

I'm new to this thread. So what's the consensus on new Jimmy?

I didn’t even start the video because I already know what’s gonna happen. I’ve just seen it too many times.

Great episode.

he's just becoming more and more gay. in 10 years he'll be bruce jenner.

"Nick here is about as white as a cup of diarrhea."

goddammit fat jimmy

I hate Jim Morton

And that's fine dude, honestly. sigh. It's just that when I look back I see how angry I was, you know? I mean I'm almost 50 years old I can't be angry all the time. lip smack. Alright hope that answered your question buddy, bye bye you doll.

that is a pretty good fucking panel

lol, Jim is just as shallow and almost as dumb as Gregg. He'll say anything without having any sense of belief behind it to back it up. Then it was cool to be edgy, now it's cool to be sensitive and tolerant.

At least Nortons teeth are straight.

Republican Norton is insufferable

Tranny loving homosexual Norton is better?

Yes and no. Republican Jim was funnier overall, but tough guy, political expert act is more aggravating than middle of the road Jim.

Yeah I guess knowing fatso Norton was an act sucks. I cannot even listen to Norton now though.

"To be fair that was a different time though. You have to put statements-EVERYONES not just mine- within the context of time and place before you judge it. It's a tough one man, fuck!"

He was on the best show on television. Why did Comedy Central choose to support South Park?

one problem I have with is, where is the example of some 1st generation african immigrant from ghana turning into the 2004 version of SJW? Is it really that common?

Not clicking on

Joe has a video site called Tuyoube


Colin's accent makes me want to drop a piano on his mother.

His shithole comment was bleeped out, so he gets a pass.
