Anthony is hunting black people in GTA again

15  2018-01-13 by [deleted]



Ant just screamed for minutes at a black lady to get on the ground, then killed her and called her a bitch.

It's only a matter time before he's back in time squares creepily shooting black women but this time with a gun.

Spam the chat with something to get his attention

Still hanging out with borderline children, I see. Joe Sr. sure did a number on those Cumia boys.

I checked in right as that chick he's hanging with was playing and she did is disgusting jizzy/phlegmy cough right into the mic. Ant probably buys her packs of cigarettes since she's not old enough to get them herself.

I been alotta huntin

but I aint ever been nigga huntin


Ant should play VR chat

You know dae wei?

Maybe he should yell directly into the mic more. Thats good raqio.

Its fuckimg unwatchable with his awful yelling and screaming. For a guy on mic for 20 plus years dude should know better. Child fucking ass hole

I love his nervous whistling to drown out the thoughts of being diddled in the shower.

Not gonna lie, I'd love to play GTA on a wide ass screen like that

2 hours laters he realizes he was just pointing a gun into a mirror.

So who's gonna edit the "fucking nigger" dani audio and drop it into this clip a few times?