Dunkirk is fucking terrible

0  2018-01-12 by boring_oneliner

Faggy brits running away. Nolan totally butchered the scale of the operation. Lack of Action or story masked by making effects too loud. Fite me irl


It's no Face/Off, I'll give you that.

I can't even hear the term "face off" without obsessively saying outloud "I want to take his face.... off". Complete with hand gesture.

Patrice ruined that goddamn movie for me, motherfucker.

You’re an idiot if you didn’t think that was a shit movies my before Patrice.

I did not and never have claimed to be any sort of auteur, sir.

Goddammit 12 year old me enjoyed the shit out of this movie and I refuse to apologize for it.

Believe it was Norton and Patriki agreed

Wanna feel old?

That movie is 20 years old last year.

His sexy slut daughter is nearly 40yo now.

Oh my god that scene in her little panties.

And she played Lolita too.


So your "I'm going to play a gay character for 2018" thing lasted...13 days?

You sound like me trying to stop drinking.

Peach... I could eat a peach for hours

complete lack of tactical dispersion

This Churchill movie has to be a hoot also

I'll reiterate what I said previously. A film about the events surrounding Operation Barbarossa would be infinitely more interesting, though doing so would paint the Russians in a favorable light, thus creating ambiguity regarding the "evil Russians." It's all around pathetic.

Nah the russians are boring.


Wasn't Dunkirk about when a completely exhausted,equipment lacking maintenance,under supplied German army pushed its way from Germany to Dunkirk to face rested,well supplied,ready for battle British army and pushed them into the sea along with capturing their supplies and equipment?

Its a terrible film. The story of Dunkirk is ordinary people risking it all to bring people home. Movie falls to get that across really. I say that as someone who had family on the Dunkirk beaches.

If only a mortar landed on them.

If only a mortar landed on them. You're doing them proud, posting on this faggot site.

Not a direct line. My direct line were locked up in prison during the war #forzaitalia

How does it fail to get that across? One of the story lines is the ordinary people on their boat saving soldiers.

Yeah, a whole of 7 seven small yachts rescue a total of 49 guys. That's totally what happened.

Its literally the only reason the name Dunkirk still resonates. The film just had it as a side storyline and focused on one boat.

I think I fell asleep watching it.

Lack of action hahaha. You are a moron.

Its really not worth watching?

I think it's completely forgettable.

Striked me as such.

It’s incredibly stupid how they didn’t include ANY soldiers who were women of color.