Joe Currie is an absolute faggot

38  2018-01-12 by tunisianknifer


Stop making faggots famous

Oh noone gives a damn about CM. We are the fanbase and barely care.

Hip references, dude.

That only 50 year old faggots would find funny/understand.

Why are the tards at CM so impressed by the simple cutout filter on photoshop?

Because they're baby boomers, and by that I mean they fuck babies.

"Arcie Bunker"

Wasn't he born in Marc?

Everything about that makes me sick

over/under the amount of dead bodies this psycho has under his house ? i’m going with 6

probably joe cumia's childspit connect

Trying to figure out what the exact undesirable genetics are contained in him

Definitely some type of gay genie genes.

he has child molester features, beady eyes, unable to smile properly, magician eyebrows - he’s sickening

Reminder: It took Anth over a year to finally allow him to appear on TACS despite showing up to almost ALL of the early TACS shows as an audience member. This is Anth's childhood friend.

He's in the background of countless O&A shows too. I wonder why he was never on the show and has hardly 1 thousand followers...

His tweets and shit are brutal, when he tries to make 'current events' jokes and stuff. He's almost as bad as Opie, and he's functionally illiterate on top of it. The couple times Ive seen him on TACS he was so unfunny he made the truckers that call into DiPaolo's show seem like Richard Pryor in comparison.

Nigga look like a gay magician.

Watch me make this cock... DISSAPPEAR!

Those shoelaces should be around his neck.

"I never said he was good on the radio" -Anthony Cumia, speaking about Joe "Plankfoot" Currie

"A cross between Archie Bunker & Ralph Kramden"...

More like a cross between a bald Sam Roberts & a retarded gook.

Who the fuck is “Arcie” Bunker?

Female Transformer who married a guy with the last name Bunker?

A "cross between" implies two different characters. This nigga's "cross between" is the same fat old sitcom type guy.

I think I have a repressed memory of this guy molesting me

He's great on Dragon's Den.

What a goon.

Ehhh. I don't know man. I think he's a funny guy. It's tough making it into the comedy scene.

like a "guy who gives himself a nickname"

Nice under bite

Whose Joe Currie?

Whats a Joe Currie?

You really needed photo evidence for that

I've met both him and fred from brooklyn. This guy was actually a nice normal dude. Kind of quiet. Fred from Brooklyn was a loud obnoxious douche. My 2 cents

He has over one thousand followers..what?