Sam was a faggot during the Roger Stone Tom Arnold debate

19  2018-01-12 by tonydogs

He kept saying stuff like "oh shit" and making weird noises like a black person on a world star video. It's painful for him to attempt humor.


Whaaaaa? But...everyone here told me he's a great shit-stirrer! And he works really hard!

That cackle he was doing in between exchanges was so obnoxious and not necessary. Let the adults talk, Sam. I wish Jimmy had cut his mic, I have a weird feeling Jimmy was fuming at him for that.

yeah I dunno that's a tough one

I don't want to just motherfuck the guy

but hearing him do that was enraging

Why listen to that faggot?

Could have shortened title to first 4 words

And used is instead of was

Ok,He was being himself



When was that?

How about a link ya cunt

I found it


For someone that loves to be a "little shit stirrer" the guy has absolutely zero comfort with confrontation.

Hes from Haiti

So was Tom Arnold. Sam was trying the old Jimmy “ooooohhhh” thing - to less than stellar success.