Request: Photos Ant tweeted that were soon deleted when they didn't receive the reaction he was expecting.

84  2018-01-12 by SpudsCuckley

One of his barely legal girlfriends invited a few girls over to the compound & Ant posted photos of these girls in his pool & jacuzzi with some shitty caption, like people were going to see him as this Hugh Hefner figure.

Problem was the girls looked to be about 15. One had braces, another was a little fatty.

The comments were brutal & the photos quickly disappeared.

If anyone has them, they might come in handy the next time he has a meltdown about this place.


"So uh...Mr. Cumia? Can we go home now?"

"Mr. Cumia! Haha holy shit! Mr. Cumia is my father! Call me Anthony. And no, you cannot go home."

Pasty North American Whitefish

That girl who built the AT-AT sure was a fuckin cutie haven't seen that pic in awhile

Sad so fucking embarrassing and sad.

Those girls were bottom of the barrel for being so young.

Anthony is a millionaire and gets girls I wouldn't have banged in high school.

Can you imagine if he regularly dated grownups?

Ass grease and all he should've held on to Nicolini like his sexuality depended on it.

Before his marginal fame the best he could do was a 4 that was Joe's sloppy seconds.

She was a strong 2 to light 3

4 probably was a bit too kind.

She had nice tits. I guess if you were a big tit guy you could stretch to a 4.


you're far too kind

If lady Di is a 1 and stalker patty is a 2 I feel a strong 2 is fair

Yeah, he married it too. Even worse

The entire Leanna Kennedy courtship and relationship does not get nearly enough attention.

Care to shed some light?

As far as I know he groomed her and then started dating her when she turned 17. He went to her prom and got kicked out because everyone was disgusted. After they broke up (years before she could even legally drink alcohol) he was heartbroken and that’s when he said that he doesn’t think love is real.

This is where the whole "Everyone is jealous of Ant for fucking young girls" thing falls apart. He does fuck young girls, sure. But he isn't out there slaying mad pussy. He gets into loving relationships with these nutcases and pays for all their stuff like an idiot. He's basically married to them.

And this is why Anthony is fucked in the head. He isn't attracted to hot young girls. He grooms average looking young girls with mental issues and falls in love with them. He's sick. His lifestyle isn't some cool whirlwind of fucking and excitement. It's basically married life, except the girl is a child bride with braces. They play video games and watch Fox news together.

Nobody is jealous of that. It's fucking silly. And then, surprise surprise, the emotionally unstable girl does something fucked up and the relationship ends in white trash fashion with fighting and the cops being called on them.

I think what's sad is that Anthony is the one who acts like the woman in the relationship. He's the one who gets all lovey dovey. He doesn't think love is real? Haha bullshit. He falls in love with these idiots and gets his little heart broken every single time.

Im reading a book on Picasso and he was the same way. Well into his 60s he would constantly turn out and abuse newer, much younger girlfriends so the security guards who worked at the bank vault he kept his paintings would make comments to him about how jealous they were.

Down-low Pockasso

The Life Of Granpablo

So you're saying Ant will be minus an ear in no time?

Anthony Van Gogh

Yeah that's van Gogh dude

Tss, yeah, like van 'Gogh get some paint,' er sum'm, right?

Picasso also fucked his cousin. I bet Ant has some incest stories tucked away.

But he never got called an asshole.

Can someone tweet this post to Anthony?

Haven't you heard? Brother Joe said the fun is all over, and that we are never going to be acknowledged again.

and thats my biggest problem with ant. its like he didnt listen to a word patrice said.

He didn't. No matter how much sense Patrice was making, Ant always viewed him as inferior.

All so true. They're never "holy shit that girl is only seventeen?" type girls, they're "oh my god what is she, like seventeen?" type girls. No one is envious of those scrawny adolescent girls he snares, it just makes people uncomfortable.

After they broke up (years before she could even legally drink alcohol) he was heartbroken and that’s when he said that he doesn’t think love is real.

what a fag

I remember there was some drama with him not being allowed to attend his girl's prom.

How can somebody have so little shame?

When you making millions a year you think you can do whatever the fuck you want.

Well, the FBI has these statistics...

Notice how he always glosses over THOSE ones.

Is Ant mentally stunted in his teen?

Her name is Ileana and he had been grooming her, then she turned 17 and he cheated on the model with her. Her parents should feel like pedophile pimps for letting their child fuck Anthony: "The week we decided that us being together wasn’t a good thing, he took a 17 year old fan girl to a taping of a Fox show. She posted photos on her twitter, I saw them and nearly puked. I had talked to him that night and he said he was feeling tired so he wanted to get to bed early and stay at a hotel. Little did I know he was fucking her. I appreciate him trying to shield me from the heartache but it still hurt. He’s a man in his 50s and finds 17 year olds attractive. I just never understood that."

He PROMISED me and SWORE ON HIS MOTHER that he was done fooling around with young girls and wanted to be in a relationship again and had feelings for me that he had never experienced.

Reads a little differently now.

Is this a recent thing?

No this was maybe before Melissa Stetten.

It was soon after Stetten. I'm fact, he may have cheated on Stetten with Apology Girl. Or it was another 17 year old. I hate myself for knowing even this much.

Yes, Anthony has been a pedophile for a few years now.

Are you developing a new character yet? Feels wrong to read your posts as you.

This is not the real me.

The real me never made it out of childhood.

I just pretend. I'm more like Opie than I would care to admit.

You got some big jugs?

Please stop it.

Can't be done. It will be out on dvd soon.

Does the one on the left have braces? Cant really tell.

imagine him trying to do impersonations to try to entertain them

Rupert Pupkin references make the young girls panties drop.

(upon trying to finger one)

waaaddle dooodel.... boneeedry

Now we’re talkin

Miss the Greaseman? Dude still alive?


I'd like to point out that the surround on that hot tub and pool are so fucking cheap. Way to go, Cumias. That's a nice 12" concrete ring liner and then simple pebbled concrete. If you weren't niggers I'd think you were Jewish.

Nigga swimmin in a bird bath!

The 2 on right seriously look like dudes.

Far left...she could be 15.

White top - looks like a 6.

Hahahaha. This is great! He's got a bunch of 4's in his hot tub...2 of questionable gender...and he's putting this out there like..."yep, this is my life"

"Alright, before I hop in, I gotta get a picture. This is like a dream come true, C'MON!"

The chick with black top produces Cousin Brucie's show on 60's channel on Sirius.

She used to sit on Opie's chair in his (the hallway) office when he wasn't there and tweet a pic.

Did Ant hire a few lot lizards from a nearby truck stop to hang out with him?

Haha you legend.

Not sure. There was another photo, closer up, where you got a good look & I remember seeing the braces & knowing cunts were gonna tear him to shreds.


You kiwi scum

Aussie scum.

Bitch on far left has no business wearing a bikini. Also, flatsos are scourge to mankind.

winnie the pooh body bitches should be gassed

All the way left and second from the right could pass for 15/14

Second from right is the girl Denny told get in the copier and “cooy that ass.”

Good eye.

white girls are the most attractive girls

Yet ugly white girls are still more attractive than ugly nigs.

Speaking truth to power! You really are an anomaly for this sub.

I bet they have 5 inch nipples

15? those girls are old as fuck cmon....

When you pay 20K for a shitty cruise, you get to jack the towels.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the second from the right is almost 30. She works for Cousin Brucie. Name is Lauren.


I give zero fucks about your personal history, preferences, or home life.

Annnnnd ITS GONE


I'd rather fuck Sue.

It's like when you were 18 and your parents were out of town and you invited over that one 16 year old you thought you might be able to fuck and she dragged her ugly annoying friends along and for one brief stupid moment you thought you were king shit because you had four girls in the hot tub but then you realized she just brought them along to keep from having to be around you. And now you look back on it and cringe.

He is one step from Ian Halperin hiring hookers to hang out with him

His Highness of Hollywood got blown while playing the saxophone & he nailed Jill Nicolini.

Don’t disparage his highness

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the second from the right is almost 30. She works for Cousin Brucie. Name is Lauren.

He’s so desperate for approval from strangers.

If by "strangers" you mean "his dead dad", yes.

Can't be done. It will be out on dvd soon.

Tss, yeah, like van 'Gogh get some paint,' er sum'm, right?