No filter Paul and his wife used to make a newspaper about the soap EastEnders.

4  2018-01-12 by Dennyislife


No salad Paul

I listened to the show for over 12 years and still have no idea who he is.

& that's the way it should be.

He used to do Jim’s merch and they’d have him on the show back in maybe 04-05? He also used to do the Howard Stern ripoff bit Attack on the Media. He’s one of those guys who had no wit, but was extremely desperate to be on air, so he’d do any sick thing that came to their minds.

He’s like one of those guys that thinks saying bad words in the same tone as Colin or Jimmy is the same as being funny, but he just comes off as a crude weirdo.

Thanks, pecka. He's one character I just never got.

How the fuck did you find this?

I was looking to see If he re uploaded the ant arrest videos