Ant is getting tranny trolled by his livestream chat

132  2018-01-12 by justneedtologin


Clearly fucked sue

Sue's got a cute-ass voice.

More nervous laughter than an Weight Watchers meeting.

if there's ever a time to leave him alone, it's when he's not worried about liberals or anonymous strangers, c'mon.

i'm not saying he wasn't political - that racist old grandpa played Online as a cop and abused a constrained, non-white suspect. non-self-righteous Anthony is great!

than thats the best time to troll him.

He handled that well given the alcohol, I’ll give him that.

maybe he is just starting. when he is fully drunk its twitter time until he pass out.

The classic lie tell of the nose scratch rears its ugly head once again. The nose scratch while fibbing is strong with this one. "I don't care, whatever..." = "Go ahead make fun of me, I know I'm an easy target...".


oh boy, is flicking his pop can another tell?

He was obviously searching desperately for a ban button and had to pretend to give up because he didn't care. No Ant, you gave up because you're old, and the longer you searched the bigger a fool you were making of yourself.

yeah lol he had it in muscle memory from twitter but the strange page overwhelmed him and he panicked

I studied fawkin body language all through college! I'm a fawkin expert on this shit you DOPES!


His chick is thinking "What am I doing with my young life? The money may not be worth this retarded horeshit."

If she gives him a chance I'm sure they'll have a fine romance.

Ohhhhhhh Missy, we never had a chance. You should leave me now so I can put my dick in trans


She's too dumb to care. I also can't imagine the horrible things that happened in her life to get her to this point.

I love videos brought to me by miss lightning

Have fun, have fun

That's what ol Sue sounds like? You'd think it was actually a girl with a bit of a deeper voice. Save for the awful dick.

Definitely a trap.

AND we all know traps aren't gay so...

I'd fuck Sue but traps are in fact gay.

The Romans thought you were only gay if you were the one getting fucked. So, that clears that right up.

They also invented numerals. How bout that?

I wish I was a spartan.

Too much cardio for me.

Romans were alright

There was another clip posted with her talking like a man. It was disgusting. You'd probably like it though.

His voice was much deeper on YKWD here: (1:13:49)

It's like she's mentally unstable and playing a character

Sounds like Michael Jackson's real voice

Jesus Christ, that was disturbing.

So fucking weird, what was even the point of faking an accent..?

Why does this idiot think it’s one person trolling him

Because it probably is only like 2 or 3 people. Tops 8 people. Shit talking on Reddit is fun and all but there's only so much enjoyment you can get out of harassing a grumpy old Tunisian man on Twitter.

I think it's 9 people.

...on Twitter.

But yeah, let's dangle 5k in front of Bounty Hunter Joe and threaten reddit.

HELLO this is the fugitive! Anthony has paid me to shut down this toxic cesspool and I will do it unless YOU find me in public and ask "are YOU the O&A subreddit $5000 fugitive?"

Sorry folks, found the fugitive. He was in the audio electronics department of Walmart

Hi, my name's Wop Wop Mcpootyfarts. I got a bunch of haters on my subreddit.


Hey jerky, my name is Moonsurface Van Racyrants and when I was in your white hood store you left your Columbo trivia in my shoes!

the fugitive is all about fresh thinking and fresh eating at Panera.



he sure is busy having fun.

i'm glad that girl he has held hostage was able to get away while he was distracted.

She's starting to get that "Save me" look so many of the victims at Jonestown gave the visiting Congressman in the days and hours before their deaths.

Just a straight man drinking wine alone, yelling for his cat.

Anthony has never acknowledged Sue Lightning. He always deflects to being friends with Bailey Jay but wont admit to anything with/about Sue even tho we have all those pics

Didn't he say something about Sue on twitter just a few days ago?

Yes. Said he/she is a very sweet person.

She must eat a lot of pineapple.

I call this "the late bloomer."

There it is, vuuurrry good, I knew there was gold in this bit.

And that he has him over to play with his "cat".

The old ig post of his new jag when sue commented saying "i love riding in it" is proof enough for me

I just had this thought.

What if Sue was a legit trap and fooled Tranpa because he is a senile old man, but he went with it anyway.

Hence the anger and the shame.

What if Sue was a legit trap and fooled Tranpa because he is a senile old man, but he went with it anyway.

What if? This is 100% what happened. He didn't know the black tranny on Chip's podacast had a dick for the first half our of the show. His tranny radar is awful.

Willfully awful? I say yes.

In Ant's defense, the guest on a podacast was really tough to figure out.

Sue's bolted on tits disgust me, but that clip at the end convinced me I'd let him give me a suck.

is the wine Ant’s idea of a new year’s resolution to be less trashy?

Try the wine!

He's become a divorced "wine mom".

All he needs to complete the transformation is a cat

I actually feel bad for him now after seeing this. He's clearly so bothered by this and has all but given up. He's just an old man who cant look us in the eye and admit what he did, even though it wouldn't be a big deal at all if he did.

If he or Jimmy just came out and said it, I think they would find that we would be more supportive and open than most fanbases. We don't give a shit, it's only funny because he denies it so hard but it's so obvious.

Also, I thought Sue had a Russian accent? Why the fuck did that fag pretend to have one on Bob's podcast?

We're truly enlightened.

I genuinely don't want to fuck with him anymore, you can see in his face that he's just so defeated and he knows it.

I like to think we're helping him confront his true self.

He's a legit predator and hebephile. Fuck him.

Oh hush, it’s not like he’s said that he would fuck a 13 year old or anything like that!

Hey man he's not a heeb, don't put that on him.

that was indeed a severely bothered man.

Jim tricked drunko magoo to fuck sue.

Speak for yourself, it is a very big deal!

Also, I thought Sue had a Russian accent? Why the fuck did that fag pretend to have one on Bob's podcast?

Mental illness. That's also why he took a bunch of hormones and got a bunch of surgery and implanted two ski-balls in his chest.

Be honest tho. Youd fuck him, right?

We really need to get some sort of psychologist or behavioral scientist or whatever and have them analyze his response to this to determine whether or not it sheds any light on if he fucked Sue or not but I actually doubt this is possible and was just attempting to be funny but it wasn’t funny and now I’m doing this quirky self referential thing that is meant to be self mocking and win the favor of the reader but now I am referring to the fact that I’m being self referential which is even more embarrassing

Probably try fiver. I'd do it myself but I'm a lazy drug addict.

Tony, tell your whore to get the fuck out. We don't need to see her.

You missed the setup where he said this is a "new" Anthony. You dope.

So no more drinking, pill popping, kid stalking, or negro hating?
Call me Sammy Skeptic but I doubt that.

Anthony is not a classically handsome man.

He looks like a forgotten fried egg


Why are we not discussing the very real possibility that Ant was completely oblivious to the fact that Sue was a dude?

That, IMHO, is far funnier than him actually being into trannies.

How did you and Ant meet?

Sue: Facebook, I emailed him about a certain gun the H&K MK.22.

How did he react to you being trans?

Sue: He didn't know and he didn't want to know after he figured out.

after he figured out.



Anthony, even in his wildest alcohol & ambien stuper, couldn't have missed the adam's apple cover and giant penis.

WRONG! There is video of Anth missing an obvious trans lady on the podacast.

Yea and that one was VERY passable too

I didn't know Sue was a boy. I thought he was a 14 year old girl. I SWEAR.

This is my bet as to exactly what happened

Sue's voice is one of a big nerd.

Ride the Lightning!

Anthony was too busy fantasizing about cock to locate the block button.

I love how he even reads it out loud first. Typical Italian monkey.

Realizing he will not win, the Antus Cumiasis trannydon recedes back into his spaghettiNiggerMansion shell.


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He's 56 and still playing video games like a 22 year old.

Why is he streaming on YouTube and not Twitch?

He's got glasses like the craps guy from Casino.

"Huh huh huh, BABE!, get over here, do your job and block everyone, huh huh, nothing just happened"


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Fawking homerun of a post

Was he drinking bawx wine? Everyone knows that bawx wine is the best.

Was he really?

"I'm having fun here" sniffs - Man Having Fun

fuck how did I miss it where is the full recording?

At least he took the advice he gave opie the other day.


The fucking cut to Sue at the end

Why isn't THIS the show? I'd subscribe to this in a fucking second.

Does he think it's just one person?

Why would he do this to himself?

He is showing Opie levels of self destructiveness.

Is there a full video of this?

Who's that sweet girl at the end?

I wonder if he saw that gif


That animation is fantastic.

lol justneedtologin it was YOU doing these youtubes! the facial zooms are so fucking good please do more of these

I like how he said "that's my twitter thing" when questioned about the $5000. He's constantly pissy with rage on twitter but when he gets on camera it's all calm and nervous laughter. He becomes a different person.

Sue's voice is really improving

Too much cardio for me.

after he figured out.

