RIP Jamie Farr

24  2018-01-11 by AppleFan79

I know no one here will admit to loving, or even watching, "MASH", but I do, and did.

Rest peacefully, Sgt. Klinger, in a booth at that great Tony Packo's in the sky ....


At least his cousin, Jamie Near, is still alive and kickin'.



In Mejico he was known as Jaime Lejoss


Spaydhull end evurrrrrrrr

That was NEARly a good one focksupa

I almost went with "Jamie Close" but I thought that would be a little too on the nose for you intellectuals.

Double Guns Sock Cucka

Tss what about the other two cousins K-mie and L-mie tss

I hope Nigel Igger wishes him a happy death on his obituary page.

Good one, but i thought he died years ago for some reason.

ugh you people are vile and disgusting

Hey now I think Nick Cannon provides a valid social critique

Nick Cannon turned Mariah Carey into a fat slob. Fuck him.

He was good on Gilbert's podcast.

Actually a good album cover aswell

Truly something for this sub to mourn.


Loved him as Sheik Falafal

Ya kiddin!

How'd it happen fa la la la la.

How'd it ha-ah-ahppen?


I almost went with "Jamie Close" but I thought that would be a little too on the nose for you intellectuals.