
21  2018-01-11 by TonyFromLongIsland


Looks like Ant wants to burn his house down now. Another great life choice.

Guess those CP Media subs ain't cutting it anymore.

If you live in the projects utilities are included in the rent

So is imminent death .

Lmao, the only people who actually make money mining anymore have entire "farms" set up of dozens of computers, not just some box you paid your fat nerd fans to set up.

No shit. I'm sure the $464 he mines a month will take care of a quarter of his electric bill.

Everyone pools now. More profitable than going it alone.

People should do it like weed growers do; rent a house for 6-12months cash upfront, scotchblock the electric & don't pay, mine then leave. Or find an old barn near a road, setup in there & dig at roadside for a 3-phase electric connection.

PS. Don't do that, it's illegal.

How about getting a job and earning dollars?

LOL. Good one.

I don't understand these Bet Coined or whatever you kids call 'em. I'm 30, now, I'm too old for this shit

No trading tips for YOU then today. Although I've had a day off today, Got auto sell prices for if my main ones drop, mostly not my money anyway, so today I don't give a turkey.

its all about those bitcorns now baby


The fuck is a scotchblock?

Basically an electrical splice/tap connector... actual 'Scotch' brand is usually for car electrics / lower voltage, but same principle.

Can you mine any other currency profitably with these miners?

you chose one that you think will jump in next few years (do a research and "bet" on one or two).

There are few that looks promising but then there are few that are obvious scams but jumping like crazy.

Same as it used to be with bitcoins - original miners who were mining in first few years (while it was relatively cheap to mine) were not doing it for huge profit per se, but because they liked the idea and wanted to support it and see what happens. They got lucky and now they are rich.

Yes, but the mining architecture matters right? That's why etherium was so profitable because it was resistant to ASIC miners, and had a higher hashrate on GPUs.

Maybe Ant is using an ASIC miner to mine another currency which is more profitable?

It's spelled 'Ethereum'.

sure - that is why I said - do your research.

Ant is referring to his miner as Bitcoin miner - I doubt he spend much time researching into this - he is probably doing it because of latest broohaha in the media when Bitcoin jumped - so he can say, as he always likes to brag, that he is "in touch with science and technology"

In a bar with old retards:

Retard : Ant Did you hear about this Bitcoin thing?

Ant : Pffft yeah I've been mining it for years, you know how I keep my eye on technology and shitz.

Retard : Wow Ant you are cool?


Same as he did it the first time when Bitcoin made news - he started mining - as soon as nobody was talking about Bitcoins - he forgot about it too - he does not even know where his hard disk is and he says that he mined iirc 2 or three bitcoins back in the days.

Maybe a real tech guy like Bob Kelly helped him?

Bitcoin whale

He wanted a minor but got this shit instead. Now he's playing along to avoid trouble.

Beavis is going to suffocate and die because of this thing. RIP.

Think it'll be the final straw if Beavis ate through the wires like Christmas Vacation?

This made me sad. I love lil' Beav.

I worry about that lil mug.

That look pure fear in his eyes during the Dani Periscope really got to me.

God, I'm a faggot.

No way. Beavis and all animals are innocents.

what a dumbfuck, he isn't mining up anything but heat. hopefully it burns his place down.

I'm so lost on this bit count shit. Wtf is that. It looks like something from a thing.

ASIC miner.

I see. Well, much like the gold rush of the 1880's, the people selling the pickaxes, shovels and dirt sifters are the ones who became rich.

I can't wait to see the miners lose everything. Fuck them, I want good card at a decent price and can't get either.

Everything about his home is subtly grim and ugly, and his choice of decor screams “I don’t deserve the success I’ve had.”

His decor screams I'm a lazy fuck who pays other people to go to Walmart and decorate my McMansion.

That's sure to be a great return on investment.

Yeah, especially since he started mining so early in the Bitcoin game.

(What a dumb guinea.)

Sue Lightning mined Anthony's asshole.

Fawk ya with her pecka

Drilled his ass,drill baby drill.

What an asshole. Maybe he will mine .00001 Bitcoin with that

Hahahah the stupid motherfucker lost his bitcoin wallet with two whole bitcoins.

I worry about that lil mug.

you chose one that you think will jump in next few years (do a research and "bet" on one or two).

There are few that looks promising but then there are few that are obvious scams but jumping like crazy.

Same as it used to be with bitcoins - original miners who were mining in first few years (while it was relatively cheap to mine) were not doing it for huge profit per se, but because they liked the idea and wanted to support it and see what happens. They got lucky and now they are rich.