Who have they actually identified?

8  2018-01-10 by Ant_Sucks


These two dopes haven't identified anyone. Fucking delusional pizza nigger

They identified Saiyanz and gave him the horrific punishment of cancelling his compound account. They will show no mercy.

i.e. refusing to take his money.

That'll show him.

I can't even imagine someone refusing to take my money and preventing me from hearing Aaron Berg.

He can turn his mom's vacuum cleaner on and it'll provide a more compelling audio experience than what Compound has to offer. He should feel lucky.

I think they fingered Seymour Butts.

I presume he's referring to a certain Mister Steve Ramone, the alias used by Laylacumia.

Joe thinks he's some independent musician and is trying to expose him because he's pussying out of the fight he wanted set up.

We are getting regular updates but lmao as if Anthony is dumb enough to think Steve RAMOOOONE is a real person

Now he is gonna dox some black guy thinking it's me. I'm burnt out on this stupidity.

Joe's fb friends were linking him to internet detectives for hire in the comments.

Make sure to archive those links. If these Cumia idiots are dumb enough to hire someone from the dark web and put lives in danger, Cumias will be accessories to crimes.

Put lives in danger?



it’s probably all he can say publicly and chances are they’ve already been wacked, so we may never know. bada bing just like that.

Anthony couldn't find his ass with both hands.

Both hands, a candle, and a map

Sue’s penis can find it.

Of course. Without directions. Because although it is trying to be female, it still has it's male instincts, like sense of direction.

Divining rod of faggotry.

Actually, I have obtained secret footage of Joe and Anthony hard at work in the SAMCRO compound, tracking down sub members.


They may appear a bit whiter than usual in this footage, but make no mistake, it's them alroight.