Sue Lightning on YKWD, offers to blow Colin.

16  2018-01-10 by greygooser

I didn't know this happened. Apologies if it's common knowledge. Around 1:13:40 in case the timestamp doesn't work

Wonder if she also made a similar offer to another funny older man?


Colin is gay as well. Like most celebs. Only he knows it and has managed to keep from lecturing everyone about it or despite it during his resurgence.

I love it when Colin avoids any questions pertaining to sex like the plague. We know you take it up the coat pal, nobody cares.

Colin actually snaps on anyone who gets preachy about being gay. One of the podcasts with Bob Kelly he became furious when Bob started describing his abs and calf skin boots from when he was skinny

that girl sure has a unique voice

it's really convincing

Colin is clearly a faggot. A lovable faggot, but a faggot nonetheless.

Ya he admitted to knowingly getting a bj from a tranny in his 20's. He calls it "compromising". But he's hilarious, so who cares.

I mean, if a hole's wet, I'm gonna fuck it.

he talked about having gay tendencies as a teen on stern back in the day

What's going on with her voice/accent here? She sounds completely different.

The number of transsexuals that make it onto these podcasts is astounding. I don't think I've ever met one

There's a few in my town but they stay hidden, as they should. You catch glimpses of them at Walmart, or the pharmacy.

When I went to NY literally every block had a tranny on it. Some of them weren't even trying to appear like females, they were just hairy dudes wearing dresses.

Depends where you live.

I went to a Ross store to get a shower curtain and there was one running the cash register. He was really hot but had a deep dude voice. I kept hearing him talk but couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Then I saw him talk and my brain did the blue screen of death thing and I'm sure I was staring at him with a shocked look. I was instantly turned off. He was Mexican if that matters. The only time prior to this that I saw one was in Tijuana and this dude was offering to felate me for a bargain price. I passed on the opportunity. This guy was coincidentally Mexican as well.

Oh god, her voice is deeper than Sam's.

Is it possible to say "Kalergis" without trying to clear your throat?

Hah! I thought he had a touch of the old China eye and whaddyaknow, his momma was Japanese. Damn I'm good.

Also pretty sure she's a Greek pretending to be a Russian. Kalergis isn't Slavic no matter how much she might want it to be

Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi

Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi (November 16, 1894 – July 27, 1972) was an Austrian-Japanese politician, philosopher, and Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi. The pioneer of European integration, he served as the founding president of the Paneuropean Union for 49 years, which would be the preliminary ideological foundation of the European Union. His parents were Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austro-Hungarian diplomat, and Mitsuko Aoyama, the daughter of an oil merchant, antiques-dealer, and major landowner in Tokyo. His childhood name in Japan was Aoyama Eijiro.

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It sounds like Collard Greens. Maybe that's what Anthony wanted in his mouth, but he got Sue instead?

She's appearing on OandA-related podcasts now? And has changed her name? I've missed so much! I've been so caught up in this senseless war with the Al-Kumyia brothers that I lost track of what's really important.

That video was from 2 years ago. Around the same time, Ant had a YKWD cookout over his house and a lot of the people in the video showed up, including Sue Lightning.

This is when the infamous photo of Sue sitting on Ant's couch with one of his guns was taken. You know which one I mean right? It's the one that the faggot autists on this sub use as "proof" that Ant was fucking around with that thing.

Unfortunately for those people, the truth is far less salacious, but hey, why let that stop them from projecting their homosexual fantasies?

The reason is because Anthony deleted all the photos and gets super angry when people mention it...o yeah and he lied about it.

Most people wouldn’t want to be associated with trannies.

If one of my friends was into trannies, and brought it around me and it took pictures with me that could fall into the hands of fags like the users on this sub so they could fantasize about me fucking it or whatever I’d want to delete the pics too, no matter how innocent they were in context.

Sue gave you a blow job, Anthony.

Oh cool, I’m Anthony now?


Linger longer pussy how do you explain sues pic in the bathroom of the manhattan apartment that Was convincing enough for Melissa

How do I explain it? It’s a hotel in NYC, not an apartment.

You see, in a hotel, rooms are configured pretty much the same way - i.e. the bathrooms look the same.

Melissa was pretty much treated like shit by Ant, she would probably go on record to allege that he fucks Beavis.

“Linger longer pussy” - i hope you have a family member kill them self in front of you on a holiday.

Linger a bit longer on ants nads

Awesome, hopefully the way “I” live drives you to kill yourself.

it's really convincing

Most people wouldn’t want to be associated with trannies.

If one of my friends was into trannies, and brought it around me and it took pictures with me that could fall into the hands of fags like the users on this sub so they could fantasize about me fucking it or whatever I’d want to delete the pics too, no matter how innocent they were in context.
