People who are jealous of Artie Lange's nose 1/1

96  2018-01-10 by A_Friendly_Creeper


Like anyone would even try to rape this monster.

I was thinking maybe a dog tried to fuck her nostril.

Jesus. That thing is wider than her mouth.

People who are jealous of Artie Lange's nose 2/2

I watch the NFL and NBA draft every year and I'm not kidding that this woman is damn near sexy compared to most of the mothers in attendance. Ugly black women's cunts are a gold mine of future athletic brilliance.

She looks like she gave birth to Demarius Thomas and Danny Trevathan out of each nostril

How does a human end up looking like this?

She looks like a Proto human in a museum exhibit

I googled "proto-human". You were right on the money.

It's like someone photoshopped the bottom half of her head but forgot the rest.

She has a kidney bean shaped head

Nose like a bell pepper

What a truly horrific woman

Krs One looking ass nigga. Breathing all the white man's air

It looks like her face was gang raped by fire ants.

It's amazing that she actually makes his nose look semi-normal. I didn't think that was possible.

Turbo Bissell, she'd suck up an eight ball like a cyclone bomb.

She's never been out of breath

Thing is like a bug catcher on a hot rod

She has the same skin complexion as one of the Dracs in Enemy Mine

"I hate your mocky mouse!"

This was obviously taken with a fisheye lens.

A catfisheye lens

And Anthony's complexion.

I'd love to be her coke dealer

Who is this broad again? Someone brave that we're supposed to care about?

She invented #metoo


Her nose is shaped like the lower half of a colon. I've seen bumpy pieces of shit that look exactly like that.

What’s the puncline to that old joke? “Because air is free.”

I bet some righteously amazing booger treasures come out of that.

I see someone watches AA show.

Hoo hoo Robin. I invented the large nose.

Easter island head in black face


Oh god

Think about the snot rockets she fires off into her shower every morning, yuck.

I refuse to believe that anyone sexually harassed that. It's just not fucking possible.


I bet she takes in air like a supercar breaking the sound barrier

KRS One as a tranny

This is probably my least favorite video on Amateur Allure.

Africanized B.