QUESTION: What is Wrong with Troy Quann?

1  2018-01-10 by OpiesInnerCircle

First off, what is his nationality? Is he Asian? Next, I assume I'm supposed to be jealous about his sexual adventures, but, I'm not at all. It's like he is just a soulless, devoid of emotion human being that preys on these dumb women, who, obviously, have mental issues themselves. He couldn't care less about the emotional hurt he causes these women & it turns my stomach to listen to him say how he's "trying to be good and have a healthy relationship" with this latest chick. Here's a clue dude: You have mental issues & you cannot have a healthy relationship with a female. You're an empty branded vessel.


supposedly he used to fuck Jenna Jameson too.

He has blood on his hands.

He just looks like an asshole who works at Guitar Center to me, I don’t get it.

Perfect description

Derosa surprisingly summed up Troy accurately: He's an old man that knows he looks young and takes advantage of it. Tattoos, shitty club music, veganism, skateboarding, these are all things Troy does to appeal to 18-24 year old women, and it works.

I honestly can't say I hate Troy, he's a douche but that doesn't sustain my rage.

Having healthy relationships is for queers.

That said, Troy is still a try-hard, hipster bag of shit.

He makes techno music for preteens

How are you this mad at another human being you don't know lmao

But he's not jealous