Do you think the obituary was a false flag to get the sub shut down?

9  2018-01-10 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I don't want to give them credit for being even that clever, but they're obsessed with this sub and Ant's a sociopath who probably wouldn't mind using his mothers death as a tool. They might have even planted the worst of the comments, hoping to use them as ammo.


No, because Anthony would never willingly bring up Sue Lightning.

Anytime Ant gets mad at us, it's because of good ol' sue

I think sue and dani were the two names on his moms shitty guest book that set him off

I don't think he did though. Those were actual redditors taking advantage of the situation.

That's what I'm saying, someone posted dani and sues name and he lost his shit. Joe and his friends have to be aware of sue because of this sub and anytime sue's name pops up on his twitter or in a public forum like his moms guest book where everyone can see, it reminds them of Anthony's dark secret and he goes ape shit.

Buried deep in his shit,like Sues cock in his ass.

They probably got Patton Oswalt to murder her for them.

There wasn't anything that bad written though. I think when it happened he capitalised on it, knowing the dead mother would garner sympathy for his cause.

He good friend & fellow shitdick Milo, reported on the $5,000 offer & said it was in response to Ro's obituary being desecrated with obscenities. Meaning he never bothered to check, he just reported based off Ant's tweets. After screencaps & a link were provided, he took the post down.

Thermite social media mourning.

Those niggers are too dumb for that.