U Mad Fro?

49  2018-01-10 by SpudsCuckley


that is an ugly fucking mug, the perfect radio face for scowling at the whores as they undress for concert tickets

Ant face is a perfect reflection of his personality.

Mhmm. Ugly, angry & gay.

and now Nana. Thats my new favorite. Just look at his face. Hes a Nana now.

It's him mid word saying "shit" after he saw news cameras there.

He's like Dorian Gray. Except he's as ugly on the inside as the outside. AKA Tranpa.

Vampire looking fellow. his attorney is trying hard not to smlie,thinking of that new Benz.Ha ha ha..

That man is the definition of dindu nuffin

I wonder if the other guys in the cell made fun of his clothes

"Yo nigga why you wearin two shirts and one of thems unbuttoned"

Goblin lookin ass motha fucka.

He’s literally in mid-“Shit” in that picture.

He looks like one of the unintelligible redneck bumpkins that worked for Calvin Candie.

This is great because he's clearly reacting negatively to the presence of photographers.

He's worried about looking bad. The guy who publicly dates women a third his age and goes on drunken racist rampages on twitter is worried about looking bad.

At this point he'd already been fired for his racist meltdown, where everybody discovered he walks the streets of NYC at night, taking creep shots.

There wasn't much lower to go.

Yet he did and still continues to go lower.

I'm glad they locked him up. That little girl was just trying to give him a flower and he throws her in the lake? Fucking monster.

I wonder if bride of Frankenstein had a lil pecker.

Of course she did. Lightning was the only thing that got the monster going.


I can't tell the PS pics and real ones apart anymore.🤣