YKWD with Norton and Bonnie

26  2018-01-10 by drakenthegreat

50:40 for the comments on the sub and Opie and Anthony. Jim is the only person from Opie and Anthony who points out how hilarious the sub can be every time it's brought up. Rip on him for being an anorexic tranny fucker all you want, at least he can still laugh about this dumb bullshit.

Edit: https://youtu.be/U9ymOrJsSBY

Reddit failed me during submission.


What kind of piece of shit timestamps without a link?

What the fuck? I included that during submission. https://youtu.be/U9ymOrJsSBY

Sorry babe

Well, no, I'm just on mobile and too retarded to actually type a small timestamp on the end of a link. I'm sorry guys, I really need to kill myself apparently.

Pitch yourself out your attic window to pay for this dishonour

I have guns thank you very much. I'm not going to risk becoming a retard loving his newfound courage in life. Aim for the spinal column kids.

I said this jokingly during a conversation with a kid at a retail job, and then he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Be sensitive if you don't find suicide funny.

Cool story bro

I wasn't playing it off, I just tend to fuck up in life. Sorry for being a try hard.

Stop talking

Do more coke

Keep going dude.

I'm retarded and apologetic. Can't please everyone.

Do they discuss what an obnoxious retard relative bonnie is?

She has a retard relative, she isn't actually one.

No, if she's related to a retard, she's a retard relative. Get it?

I now understand. Yeah, she sucks. Keep acting like your retard sibling wasn't a massive time sink during your life.

Yeah, all that effort put into feigning pride in 'achievements' that normal people are expected to do on a daily basis. Fucking progressive cunt even said she wouldn't cage it at night, she really turns my stomach.

I still stand by leaving if a girl spits out a mongoloid. Fucking depressing and your genetics don't meet up. Terminate if you can people.

holy shit checked your post history, your whole life is being involved in the intricacies of podcasts lmao

That one guy sits silent the entire podcast and then comes out swinging saying the words “caution tape” which registers a zero with anyone else. OOF

He's the guest on Brain On The Brink later this week.

Have Jimmy's mannerisms always been like this? I always listened more than watched. He's too animated.
