Anthony, if you just unplug yourself from social media, this would all be over for you instantly

194  2018-01-09 by NortheastPhilly

You fucking retard.


Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha


That's been on my mind during this whole ordeal.

Who said this? 50 cent?

Tyler, The Creator

Haha gotta love him despite his past edginess.

plus his color disability

Faggot, The Cawksawkah

Bastard is a great album

It's sad that he went from this to the current hipster garbage he produces.

I mean uh, peckhas.

When I first listened to Bastard and Earl I felt like life had yet to start, even though that was just 8 years ago. I was ffawkinn innocent back then brothaman and idk whether to laugh or cry when listening to it now.

Flower Boy is a modern R&B masterpiece you swine

No it isn't

🎵Can I get a kiss? And can you make it last forever?🎶❤

Really enjoyable album. I also liked cherry bomb but a lot of people were not a fan of it.

BETTER than Flower Boy imo.

I think if there was a re-release that's actually clearly mastered and without intentional noise, it'd be unquestionably Tyler's best.

Yeah what was up with that mastering? He ever explained that?

It was an experiment mostly, trying to incorporate some noise sound, Death Grips style stuff.

I'd say it does work pretty greatly on the titular track, and I honestly wouldn't take it without it. In general, the noise makes the album sound better when played loudly imo. Really fun.

But in all, I think it can definitely detract more than it helps now that the album's as old as it is. The noise hides a lot of the details that could make it more enjoyable to keep listening to.

Interesting. Have you seen Tyler live?

Haha like 3 different times. I became a gigantic fan of his from my senior year in hs to my sophomore year of college, I would've bought anything the guy put out asap and seen him anywhere driveable. Not sure I'd go now though, even though I like FB a lot. Would need to know it's a REALLY good show ahead of time.

Honestly, Tyler is the only person I look forward to putting out albums besides Ye and Fab. I cop immediately. Anyway, I want to see Tyler live, missed him performing on Gouverneurs Island in NY, maybe this summer he'll come back.

Dude if you've never seen him, DEFINITELY go. Great shows from that guy, but once you've seen him a few times, you've pretty much seen the extent of his life performances.

Also same but throw Kendrick in there too for me

Now last album wasn't that great in my opinion, at least compared to how other albums. I girly to throw Mac Miller in the mix.

Yeah I'm going to have to check Tyler live though.

Dang I loved it, but tbh hardly anything in Hip Hop touches GKMC, and most albums in general can't touch TPAB. I can see how DAMN falls short for folks.

Anyway, this chain is getting long and I don't wanna leave you hanging, so just have a good one my dude! Definitely see him live if you get a chance, you won't regret it. ✌

Tyler the creator is cool, but also not cool

He curbs star fucking bitches, but raps like a retard

Sometimes he raps retarded sometimes he's good. Great producer though

"she" is still one of my favorite songs, but he hasn't had a hit since odd future broke up

he does have a great ear tho.

you listen to Big Krit?

I dunno, they all look the same


It was a tweet you mongo.


His ex gf said he could not ever put down his phone. Staring at Twitter 24/7, and that was like 10 years ago. He's a weird old loser.

his lifestyle choice. he's given us the right of way. it's on you Anthony. if you want a simpler world, disconnect.

B-but Anthony says it's just something fun to do at night on occasion!

but then he would have to face down unknowable and inevitable truths, like infinity and mortality

and kikery

And his dead mother

It's kind of funny how social media ruined his career and turned his fan base against him. Maybe he's doing it wrong.

Naw, dude, he's changing hearts and minds and shiznit.

I've never seen more comedians, actors, and other people who literally work in media be worse at something. How hard is it to promote your shit and throw out a few jokes here and there?

Maybe he's just a thin skinned crater face.

Twitter quite literally ruined his life. The fact that he didn’t immediately swear off it back in 2014 is beyond pathetic.

I post way, way too much on Reddit, as you’re all aware. But If it lost me my $25k/year job at Panera I would delete my account and never visit this site again.

Meanwhile Twitter cost Ant a piss-easy job making him millions and he comes back to it like an abused girlfriend.

Imagine being that addicted to a website.

I wonder what his "girlfriend" thinks about it. "So, how's your relationship with your man"

Oh you know, he's about to get banned on Twitter for the second time and he's fighting with the internet.

"Isn't he like, 60?"

Even Dani made fun of his twitter obsession when they were together.

"Drinking my favoritee thingg"

He needs social media rehab, which is queerly a thing these days.

Speaking of abused girlfriends...he still uses Periscope

Pal talk

He definitely fucks while looking up FBI crime stats on twitter. It's probably the only way he can cum.

Much like George Costanza incorporated food and tv into his love-making, Twitter, FBI crime stats and sex with a minor are Anthony's trifecta.

Imagine if he'd have used AOL or Myspace to ruin his career and crater his fan base years ago? He'd have been a pioneer. He'd probably be giving TED talks on it by now.

Bad news, fucko! A bunch of word+underscore+number reddit user accounts mysteriously created in the last few weeks will DISAGREE with you about these spurious truths, and they've got some pretty mean, frequently misspelled words to share with you about it!!

I post way, way too much on Reddit, as you’re all aware.

Nobody knows you nigga.

Oh look, we have management here bragging about their high paying job while the rest of us bakers and sandwich specialists have to live off of $12 an hour

He won’t

best of dipaolo is on - ant just ranted about how to stop cyber-bullying

'if you dont like it, turn it off'


That weird old fella sure gave out tons of advices huh


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But without social media, how is he going to chat up the young ones?!

On the telephone


But how would he meet 13-15 year olds?

He could drive an ice cream truck around or something. Diddling isn't rocket science

Then how come only white men do it?

He's a teenage girl

Never thought I'd see a Tyler, The Creator reference on this sub

Fuck you, faggot

Are you saying Anthony should...leave it alone?

Ant is incapable of making logical decisions now. He's created this cultish Neverland-esque world for himself at the compound where everything's nice and comfortable. Surrounded by his toys, booze and a team of ass kissers. Because of this he thinks every decision he makes is a genius one and he's always in the right.

To him, his nightly booze-fueled Twitter rants are just him putting the world to rights and defeating trolls, when in reality he just across as insane to the outside world.

Why are you attacking Anthonys family and friends when he did nothing to you guys?

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Tyler the Creator Sarah Lyrics +3 - Bastard is a great album
Just Walk Away - South Park (Butters) +2 - Just walk away.
On The Telephone? ::: Gary ::: Weird Science +1 -
just walk away +1 - original is better and eerily appropriate

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It's time for Ant to Turn on, tune in, kill himself.

But his deplorable fans are all he has. Who else can he brag to about having a gaming computer on his living room table?

How about you and the rest of your retarded friends and unplug yourselfs. Anthony doesn't haft to do shit. You bag of aids are the ones who started this harrassment bullshit in the first place.

we got a turd in the punchbowl


"yourselfs" "haft"?



We got a live one here. You've got to be a special kind of stupid to still be blowing that hack.

yeah, tss tss why don't you pack some bags tss tss

U don't deserve to immatate Chip. U bag of shit.

Thank you for your honesty Sir. Now go fuck yourself.

This guy is making good sense. None of you harassers deserve to IMMATATE chip. Only true fans of Anthony and Jim should be allowed to IMMATATE Chip. You guys are a bunch of losers who probably can't IMMATATE Chip properly. IMMATATE

Hakuna immatate



It's a remarkable irony really, "Hey you should unplug because we're never going to stop hounding you. See, you're the problem!"

So now this sub hates Opie, and hates Ant, and hates Jim, and hates Sam...but still post in a fan sub for all these people every single day. It's all such stark evidence of unhappy lives.

First of all, a subreddit isn't a "fan page" nessacarily. Secondly, how is this sub "hounding" Anthony? A few shitheads posted some evil shit on his mothers obituary, everything else has benn either exclusively said on this sub or directly to him on Twitter (sorry, if you don't like it block people or log the fuck off). For a guy who had no issue attacking Stuttering Johns kid publicly, it seems odd that suddenly family is off limits. Whatever though, keep bilndly defending a guy who openly admitted to millions of listeners that he would fuck a 13 year old girl if he could get away with it. On top of all of the other horrible shit he has admitted to, while simultaneously bitching about the black community and their inherent criminality.

...your user name is cakehornnigga, something tells me you're not extremely worried about the black community until it's convenient.

Jesus Christ, is that what you took from what I said? What a race obsessed idiot you and Anthony both are. The guy admits he is attracted to children and your only argument is to bring up the fact that nigga is in my name, so I must not care about black violence. Dumb motherfucker. Here you go, the black community has a problem with violence and deadbeat dads. Can you focus on the topic at hand now, snowflake?

Oh no I was merely using your name to point out the relative obvious fact that you don't care about any of this stuff either until it becomes convenient in your quest to endlessly screech about a radio show you just can't quit. And it seems to have worked because your response didn't argue that point at all, it just called me a bunch of names.

Race obsessed idiot? You're a lilly white radio listener that says nigga on the internet because it's the only place you know you can do it safely LOL

So what is the end game now, I wonder? You all hate Jim, and hate Sam, and hate Ope, and hate Ant. Why not just, I don't know, stop listening? I mean this is the hilarious goof here, a group of people that can't quit the show are perplexed as to why Ant won't quit the internet. Hilarious stuff really.

Now call me names again lol, that was some clever shit.

What are you babbling about? Why would you assume any of us are listening? Hey you could also take your own advice and I don't know, stop coming here if you don't like it? See how that works? People here liked Anthony because he was a working class guy who was incredibly funny on the radio. He had subsequently become a race and politics obsessed crybaby who forgot what he was best at. This sub had nothing but good will for Anthony after his firing, but HIS actions led to him being hated. It takes zero effort in my day to come here and comment on stuff, this meme of OBSESSED LOSERS is overplayed and easily falsified. And sorry, but I've always thought Anthony's predatory behavior was gross, and if he wants to throw stones then he is going to get that thrown back at him.

I assume you're all listening because every single day there are multiple topics screeching about what was said on that day's show. This isn't tough stuff to figure out.

I get it. The show is gone and that's sad. Why not attack the guys dead mother? That's a totally reasonable reaction!

The obsessed loser meme is really easy to prove, look at the comments in these threads screaming about how attacking his dead mom is actually a patriotic battle for free speech and not, you know, people just being remarkable pieces of shit.

Just out of interest, what's your take on that time Ant attacked Stuttering John's kid on twitter?

I think acting like a piece of shit and then justifying it by someone else being a piece of shit is a rather childish argument. This is the way my three-year-old debates, "But, but, you did! It's not fair!"

That's nice, but what's your take on the time Ant attacked Stuttering John's kid on twitter?

Did you not read my post? I just told you my take. It was a shitty thing to do. Hounding his dead mother is also a shitty thing to do.

Hounding his dead mother and acting like it's justified because he did something shitty is the argument of an angry, lonely man.

Something can be a shitty thing to do and also hilarious would be my take. In fact the entirety of Ant's career is based on blurring the line between shitty behaviour and humour. It's odd that someone would be a fan of OandA and not be able to see the grimly amusing side of the relatively inoffensive comments left in the guestbook.

Then shut it down if that's the case. Why do you all shit on and harass him when he's done nothing to deserve it. You guys aren't fans. You all are just pathetic idiots that has nothing better to do in there lives but to attack someone who doesn't deserve it.

Yeah that won't happen. For most of these posters squealing about a radio show they're definitely too cool to listen to (but talk about every day anyway) is all they've got. Just look at any random poster's history, you'll see an endless stream of screeching.

Tyler, The Creator

Sometimes he raps retarded sometimes he's good. Great producer though

Honestly, Tyler is the only person I look forward to putting out albums besides Ye and Fab. I cop immediately. Anyway, I want to see Tyler live, missed him performing on Gouverneurs Island in NY, maybe this summer he'll come back.