So, Devil's Advocate here - has Ant crossed the line to where now he's actually the bigger shithead than Opie?

4  2018-01-09 by lifeobenreilly

Opie sucked and bitched and whined and sniffed, but he never tried to shut the Sub down, all while we ragged on him for EVERYTHING, including how his kid isn't his.

Meanwhile, we show proof to say that Cumia has a penchant for cement-bag titted, underage looking ladyboys, and he wants to see the world burn.

I'll still say the both suck, but Opie is more of the senile Grampa who's ultimately harmless, while Ant has become the other Grandpa who has pictures hidden in a secret room in the basement along with his shotguns, gunpowder, and jars of piss.


Anthony is a pedophile so he's worse. It's not even close. Opie is still the worst broadcaster in the history of telecommunications but he doesn't fuck/ seek to fuck children as far as we're aware.

He’s actually a true pedo. Fuck him.

Depends on what type of shitheadedness you're talking about. Opie is an oblivious arrogant shithead. Ant is a trashy low life shithead. Just because each one lacks the shitheadedness of the other doesn't make one superior to the other. They're equally gay in different ways.

So it goes back to the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory - person plus internet equals shithead.

Crazy thing is though, that they're not anonymous, yet the internet is the only place they powertrip. Ant was the biggest pussy when that Colin idiot was in.

Anthony's had a bad week, Opie's retroactively ruined years of raqio.

Ant's behavior is comical, Opie's is embarrassing.

Don't count Opie out just yet

Cuz he'll out-count you with his math skills!

To quote Slim Whitman. "Yodel Yodel Yes "

We always keep the dispersed hatred in the vain of radio and comedy, but come on, it's that Dad with humor that no one likes with a relatively (I guess) normal life versus a well documented child predator and women abusing alcoholic. Jokes aside, I don't even know how most of this sub liked the guy to begin with, he's a lunatic

I think so, but I still dislike Opie a lot more.

No, this is all just for sport. It’s fun poking at Ant.

Just ask Sue.

He did this two years ago but Opie was still on air then so we could focus on trashing him still. Now? He'll have to do a few funny Jim and Sam's to make us forget

I can't bring myself to listen to them, is he even funny on there?

Ehh he is a big improvement. At its best it's like a Nopie day... until Opie Roberts pipes up but yeah it's vaguely listenable

No. Go listen to old shows. Who ruins it every single time? Opie.

I'm not going to do what you tell me... we're not that close.

Then who are you close with?! What constitutes close to you?

I don't know, FUCKFACE, maybe because I wasn't there that day, DOUCHEBAG!

Leave it alone.

They're both delusional cunts, the difference is that Anth is arrongant while Opie is fairly humble. Everyone who isn't in entertainment is a subhuman to Anth, while Opie likes to hang out with chefs and fans, even if they are boring people.

Opie isn’t humble or wasn’t. Snapping your fingers at employees isn’t being humble.

Huh. Never thought about it that way, but you're right.

Doesn't change that Opie is an asswipe, but that is actually pretty humble of him.

I'm not going to do what you tell me... we're not that close.

I don't know, FUCKFACE, maybe because I wasn't there that day, DOUCHEBAG!