Norton was exposed by Vos, Colin and Patrice as a pretentious phony with his early stand up video. Some of the best 2 hours of O&A radio.

82  2018-01-09 by Monster_Dong


A series of the best shows when they have several guys bring in their early stand up and get bashed. This one and Vos was funny as hell.

This one and Vos was funny as hell.

Patrice promised to bring one in but he never did. Possibly the most disappointing of anything in the O&A universe, in retrospect. I'd have loved to hear that shit.

Yeah that was disappointing. Even so - not too many comics could beat up on him. Chris Rock did a great beating on him though one time.

Picture it though. He would have just squealed through the whole thing. That alone would have been epic.

Chris Rock did a great beating on him though one time.

Not even really a beating as much as it was a lecture along the lines of ”You’re one of the funniest people alive and you could be just as if not more successful than me if you’d pull your head out of your ass”

The Vos one has a great Opie slam by him "you don't even have timing listening!"

Jimmy was at his angry peak too. Colin was probably the odd man out towards the end.

Poor old guy just got a bit tuckered out, that’s all.

Patrice is especially funny in this as he attacks Jimmy.

"I really will. I really will..."

I gots moneys I gotsh money

Half of Norton's trashing ended up going to Vos because he wouldn't shut his mouth and kept bombing

favorite part was when they were all bashing Norton over the chapped lips bit and Colin goes "or how about when he goes "you know those people who always have chapped lips?.... No."

Also the classic "jimmy fits into any container you throw him in" or sumthin

Jimmy is shaped like whatever container you put him in makes me loff and loff and loff


Patrice: "That little worm is who you really are"

So true.


Yeah that was disappointing. Even so - not too many comics could beat up on him. Chris Rock did a great beating on him though one time.