Coolest Monkey in the Jungle?

8  2018-01-09 by OpiesInnerCircle


That kid will most likely grow up to be a good boi who dindu nuffin. So I don't get the comparison to a monkey.

White flight eyes on the survival expert

My girlfriend and I got into an argument over the weekend because I said white flight wasn’t real and was just a instinctual action on the part of people who don’t like to be around individuals who don’t like to behave.

I wish we lived in a world where people would just laugh at shit like this and move on

They would have had less outrage if the used nigga instead

How does this still happen?

lack of birth control in the black community mostly

what's worse, a black kid wearing a shirt with "monkey" on it, or someone being offended at it because they think black people look like monkeys

you racists sicken me

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