How does Sam not notice that Jim is getting increasingly frustrated and annoyed with his constant sarcasm?

76  2018-01-09 by [deleted]

sam: oh, you don't think you can drive through 90 miles of swamp in a jeep.?

jim: no.

sam: oh.

Most of the show is a variation of this exchange in different contexts.

Why doesn't Jim call him out on it? Is he really that afraid of confrontation? I guess all that matters is that check that's coming in. Don't rock the boat.


It's annoying Jim because it's a bit that Jim invented with Anthony. Sam watched it and now he copies it back to Jim like a puppy trained to make him happy for a treat.

Jim does the same thing to everyone else. I think that's where Sam picked it up and assumed he could do the same to Jim. It is a stupid approach regardless faggot

Yeah, he did it all the time on O&A.

It's like they're both wearing 'kid gloves' with each other. Both Sam & Jim were cunty on O&A in different ways. Now Sam tries to force intern abuse, but just seems like a dork playing a bully.

"seems like"

Sam tries to force intern abuse


Why are you still listening to this shit?

The important question getting asked

We have so much juicy drama right now and this guy is listening to Jim and Sam

Get the fuck out!

SAM can't DO any better!!! JIMMY is AWARE of that!!!

JIMMY is lucky to STILL be EMPLOYED at this POINT!!! He has NOWHERE to go!!! SCORCH is a FAMOUS FILM/TV/MUSIC VIDEO star and they (the JEWS, obv...) SADDLED him with a HOLE that OFFERS nothing!!! What is JIMMY looking at?!?! 99.9999% of RADIO listeners don't want to HEAR the same TRANNY jokes or "it's tough" OVER and OVER!!!

ALSO, listen to SCORCH on WECL from 6-10AM CT (7-11AM ET)!!! GOOGLE HOME and AMAZON ECHO can PLAY it!!!

rack em

Whats the google home command to get scorch?

"PLAY W-E-C-L" or "PLAY 92.9 the X"!!! SCORCH is ON from 7-11AM EAST (4-8am on the WEST COAST!!!) every WEEK DAY!!!

Oh shit nice. Looks like im gonna start waking up with the king of radio. Thanks.

Only thing I listened to since the Ant appearances was Jim talking about Bonnie's horseshit. Jim clearly wanted to address it in a serious tirade and Sam kept punctuating it with "yeah, when we got their show canceled, NYEH HEH HE HEEHE HEHEH!"
Yeah, we get it, you didn't actually move to have their show canceled. Say it sarcastically again a 10th time.

Jim is a little weasel. Obviously, she didn't literally think he fought to get her fired. He just didn't give a fuck about them at all. He admitted that. And then he said, "we don't know what you're doing. maybe you want to do a podcast instead." Seriously? They have a kid to support. Obviously, they would rather work at Sirius.

There's another great moment of this happening when Jim was trashing Dave Smith. He went to leave a shitty/funny voicemail to Dave and Sam literally screams "And SAAAAM" to kill the joke. It was quite a silence that followed.



How do you notice that Sam does not notice that Jim is getting increasingly annoyed? You listen to that show?

haha. I haven't in awhile. I gave it another chance today because I couldn't find something else. Maybe I'll listen to Bennington. Probably not.

Just keep listening daily. Jim and Sam is good enough normally. Don't worry about fitting in here

It's okay. I can have it on in the background if it has a good guest. The chemistry between those two is virtually unlistenable. If Sam just accepted his role as"ship-steerer", he would be fine. But no he has to kill all riffing with his repetitive comic tastes and timing. Jim is also terrible at producing a radio show. Whenever it's time to talk about his feelings or if he's making a point, he gushes nonstop and pretends no one else is speaking. Then when the serious topics come around he acts like he's making a press release. Sometimes you can feel the hatred in the silences.

This is what remains of O&A. A universe that was once rich with comic talent and a powerhouse of engaging radio is now floating in nothingness with the corpse of comedian Jim Norton and a cackling man boy at the helm.

Yeah Rich has always been a powerhouse of engaging radio and comic talent. I agree.

You better agree before you turn into a.... full.. blown.... wheeol.. wolf.

It's still fun 😊

Opie Roberts picking up where Opie Hughes left off.

Yeah...not a fan of Sam's sarcasm-crutch. He was on a Chippah Podacast where all he basically did was act exaggeratedly incredulous at Chip's stories. #NahtFunny

They should get fat Maxwell on the Chip podcast. I miss that dipshit.

Most of the show is a variation of this exchange in different contexts.

Exactly. I get that Sam’s trying to play the straight man, but he doesn’t pull it off. for obvious reasons.

In fairness, Sam is neither straight nor man

twas the joke


That's one of their bits, Stupid.

Sam is a totally unfunny worthless human being with no skills or any redeeming qualities whatsoever. If Jim were to call him out for being an unfunny douche, it would destroy mommys given self esteem and probably result in having to deal with Samshells. Jim would rather just collect his check and keep it moving, which I can't really blame him for after decades of titty boy.

You don't think it's funny when, as part of their banter, the other co-host restates the question to get a negative answer, but Sam runs that bit into the ground and goes long with it?


Why doesn't Jim call him out on it?

He wants his paycheck and tells himself it's better than Opie.

Some broadcasters have 2-3 really obvious verbal crutches.

Sam is NOTHING but crutch, he has nothing redeemable about him.

I wish his legs would get run over by a bus so he would have to use crutches every day.

I think that less than 10 people here actually listen to that show.

Jim just can't produce on his own. He's lousy with Sam and with Matt Serra on the UFC podcast. If he doesn't have someone funny to bounce off of like Ant or Colin, he stinks.

He doesn't want to rock the boat.

You KNOW Sam's responsible for the TMZ-esque show tweets too.


do you know what the word confrontation means?

So you don't think Jimmy likes Sam's dry humor?

"What Jim you don't think I'm a massive faggot specializing in redundancy? "

You listen to Dim and Sham? Oof.

Wait...op.. Are you implying that you don't like Sam's sarcasm?

Because he likes doing the show with Sam.

Because Sam makes it easy for him. No conflict. Simple. Boring. Shit.

So bring Opie back?

If you listen to the old shows that's the exact same way Jim would get ant all wound up and angry.

Jim is an Idiot. Sam's whole routine is being insincere and sarcastic. Sadly Jim is way too often being clever yet serious. Jim isn't smart. Call him out Jim, please. That being said Jimmy never called 911 for a flat tire.