I was actually considering subscribing to Compound Media...

78  2018-01-09 by feltingmeces

...until I saw Keith dox one of his own subscribers, that he invited to come sit in on the show. Who does that? How do I know he won't do the same after I say or do something he disapproves of online? And he's an ex-cop, too? Sounds like potential hassles I don't need, and can avoid by not subscribing to Compound Media.

Keith just reminded us that they're probably the last people we should be sharing our payment info with.

Dude is like the Opie of marketing.


I did the six month option recently. Well worth it.

You have bad taste & hopefully cancer.

The price was a drop in the bucket and I lift weights.

Price has nothing to do with the quality of shit you enjoy watching.

But his conspicuous idiocy does

Quality is relatively high too.

5min of research and you can get the shows for free. Way to fund this anti-free speech snowflake.

Yeah those Columbo impressions & Jaws quotes never get old. Changed my mind. Where do I sign up?

Get outta here Keith

The only weight you lift is with your colon

Do you exercise?

I wrestle with your mom

Fake yeah, she does BJJ on you or sumpthin’

Several months ago it was like 0.1 Bitcoin.... Now it's like 0.0001Bitcoin so I guess it's a good deal?

There's a lot of good shows on Compound Media. It's a shame their boss is such a cunt.

Name 2

I was thinking about going just to yell out and be disruptive

and look like a bigger ass than anyone on the show.

The app sucks you constantly have to restart it. It cuts out a lot. You actually have to delete the app and redownload it every couple days or stop showing live shows. The only reason I subscribed was because of Artie the rest of the shows suck except for Bill Schultz his was good for a while

You don't need to delete and reinstall. Just double-tap on the home button and swipe the SiriusXM app away so it closes. That will make the new episodes appear.

This doesn't happen on Android, just Apple iOS.

You actually like Bill Schultz? His show stinks

I'm going to wait to see if saiyanZ gets on Wednesday. I'd like to see that episode if he gets on more than whatever average nobody is guest hosting to bitch about blacks n women.

It's just too perfect, he is so obviously the type of nerd pussy boy to look up the name of someone subscribing to his shit and use it against them. Such a predictable fucking loser

I'm calling bullshit, this is clearly a saiyanz alt account

Like SaiyanZ writes English this well... c'mon. Let's be realistic.

In all honesty, I don't know why this wouldn't be a concern to any current or future subscriber. I don't understand how online payment merchants work, does this also mean Anthony has your CC number also?

In theory, not just Anthony. Anyone Keith decides to give that access to, as well. You'd be terrified at how lax information security is on the internet. Everyone thinks there are internet cops keeping everyone honest but there really aren't. A lot of it is just crossing your fingers and hoping no one does anything with the info.

You'd be terrified at how lax information security is on the internet.

Yeah, and it's not just limited to small companies like Compound Media. Equifax accidentally doxed half of America a few months ago because they put someone without any kind of computer degree hired on nepotism in charge of all of their information security.

Ask any webmaster what they have access to that they probably shouldn't. Then go look at ads for webmasters, and how easy it is to get one of those jobs. They're essentially digital secretaries. I held one for a while, and my jaw dropped when I saw what I had access to. And you can dump it all on a USB stick on your way out.

The only thing protecting individuals at this point is that your info is just a drop in an ocean for the bad guys. The odds that they would use your info and not someone else's are small, but existent. Like an evil lottery.

When I first started doing office work, I was quick to realize that an IT wasn't an expert. Just a person that knew a little more than you.

As much as I'd hate to help Anthony's business, pretty sure you can just use one of those Visa gift cards and stay anonymous.

There's a website with the audio updated daily.

Thanks man, someone sent me the PM but I'm honestly not even interested in listening for free anymore.

PM me?


I’m on Anthony’s side about this recent thing but I can’t agree more about not subbing. I don’t trust those fuckers with any subscriber info.

Keith was right (for once) about banning that little faggot.


I was tempted to subscribe when Kevin Brennan joined but ultimately didnt want to give my details to an unstable Corsican and a failed traffic cop for fear of them being untrustworthy.

You can get all of the compound episodes for free with a basic podcast app. You deserve anything you get if you actually pay these retards.

5min of research and you can get the shows for free. Way to fund this anti-free speech snowflake.

Yeah those Columbo impressions & Jaws quotes never get old. Changed my mind. Where do I sign up?

Get outta here Keith