Artie Lange must question whether sobriety would improve his physical health(Ron and Bobby) and mental health(Vos)

2  2018-01-09 by unclepaul84


The only thing sobriety would help is Artie’s lifespan, and that’s even debatable. At this point the drugs may sustain him.

Strangely, you might actually be right. While the accepted opinion is opiate withdrawal can't kill you, the stress/symptoms can trigger a cascade of negative heath events.

This is true. Not only will he be suffering through intense withdrawal symptoms (endless runny nose and eyes, aching limbs, torturous insomnia, intense lethargy and colon issues too disturbing to contemplate) the heroin was probably masking and/or helping him ignore whatever the fuck else is wrong with the fat bastard. Now it's all coming home to roost and he most likely looks and feels like grim death right now. Any real doctors must have been downright alarmed when they admitted him, I bet they routinely treat homeless junkies and winos in better shape than Artie.

Ron and Bobby really look terrible. Vos is terrible.

Soon to be deported, the guy in the middle.