And he's back.

68  2018-01-08 by RBuddCumia


ask him about making fun of lady dis husband, the guy who pardoned himself via freight train.

Notice how he didn't go after her even she lost her mind. Too close to home or fearing for his own future?

Anthony with alcohol induced dementia... rambling on for hours and hours about old television shows and FBI crime statistics. The nurses at the home could record it and upload it straight to Compound Media and nobody would be able to tell the difference.

Lady Di called into the show, you dumb faggot. She knew the subject matter of the show and consented to the interaction

Anthony didn't call Lady Di's son unannounced and harass him about his fathers suicide without him wanting the interaction. That's the issue here. Harassment. Offensive jokes about something =/= harassing someone in their personal life without their consent and when the interaction is unwanted

It's embarrassing that you fags are actually so dumb that you need this explained

Why do you emotional faggots need to pretend it's justified in order to attack anyhony? Just do it because it's funny, like I do. Why do you need to soothe your guilty

What's the matter m, fag? You feel guilty and remorseful? You need to make up moral and ethical factors in your head so you can attack Anthony and not feel like a bad petson? Boo hoo. At least own it you fucking women

Yeah, OandA never harassed anyone about anything personal without their direct consent...

Just do it because it's funny to be mean, like I do.

You have Opie's sense of humour. In fact, your name is the kind of trying too hard to be edgy sort of thing he would come up with.

Is that you Opie? Just incase...... Bam fucks Lyndsey.

What’s up Ant

Go back to bed

How can you be this wrong basically all the time?

Not making an argument is an admission that I'm right

You could have expressed this in a more polite way but I appreciate it nonetheless

Too cool for the room.

Is he comparing a Terry Clifford beating to a Tony Danzer thoughts and prayers on his mothers obituary?

I hope it wasn't something I said.

how are fake name candle lights defacing?

All I saw was a Sue Lightning reference and a few other inside jokes that wouldn't have been perceived as disrespectful or defacement. Did I miss some gaping asshole pics or something or is misplaced anger the only emotion that these Cumias know how to express?

Talk about it on your show why dont you you faggot coon

72 year old baby

I'm sure our leader, Terry Clifford, thinks otherwise.

boo fucking hoo, go screw you fucking pedo cunt.

*bi pedo cunt

tss bi pedo cuz he walks uprite or sumthin

Which one do you think got to him the most? My bet is the Sue Lightning one.

There is no doubt about it

Oh look, the same Dr. Frankenstein who once giggled liked a schoolgirl at the havoc his monster wreaked wants to whine and cry when it gives him a tiny poke to the booze-swollen belly.

His father was right. Whatta faggot.

Seems to have been a self fulfilling prophecy.

He is fucking nuts. those diseased cocks,accident, and beheading pics put on their facebooks were funny to us listeners but there are probably more then few church bitties that worked for the stations still having nightmares over them

He is fucking nuts.

It shouldn't surprise anyone here. All those years of pounding booze and xannies is bound to knock some screws loose. He keeps going he'll eventually be slurring (no pun intended) about blacks in an Ozzy voice. Looking forward to it actually.

Wait. Why is an obituary a bigger deal than a radio stations Facebook?

The radio station could lose listeners and money...

What the hell is affected by an obituary other than this narcissistic old faggot’s feelings

Gibs me dat dead ma sympathy, fam

Sure, defacing someones obituary is tactless... but mayyyybe if you have an entire army of autists who just want you to admit you fucked a tranny, having an open to the public online obituary is a bad idea.

Dear kettle, I have bad news. You are black.

Also, you lost touch with reality.

Nigel Igger wanted to send his condolences, I don't see what the big deal is?

Back in the day, if the Pests did this to anyone else, Anthony would be HA HA HAHAHA HOLY SHIT'ing all morning long.

3 pm. He’s up early.

I'm not balking at the fact that the sub used his mother's death as a source of humor. I'm balking at how it was done.

From what I've gathered from plenty of comments here, many of you believe that it was done on social media and that makes it "OK." Some of you legitimately have no idea that funeral homes create virtual guest books/memorial pages on their sites in honor of the recently deceased.

This was the done on Twitter, Facebook or Reddit. People from this sub targeted the memorial page on a funeral home's website. If you Google the deceased's name, that page is likely the first to appear. The comments are generally the first thing you see when accessing the page.

If you wanted to trash Anthony over his mother's death, there were perfectly acceptable outlets for that on social media. Attacking the guest book on a funeral home's site is a low point.

So, let's all stop acting incredulous at how Anthony is reacting. We goded him into this. Should he place a bounty on us? No. Should we deface his mother's memorial? No.

If you wanted to trash Anthony over his mother's death, there were perfectly acceptable outlets for that on social media. Attacking the guest book on a funeral home's site is a low point.

It's marginally unfortunate, but don't forget it was Joe's mom too. Fuck that piece of shit.

And this is hardly anything new. You implying anything that happens should happen on social media only -- was the Nassau County Police's phone number social media? The club owner's or the People's Court? If you think hard enough you won't have trouble coming up with plenty more examples.

You’re acting like we all commented on it. There was only a couple and they were nice comments but the names were Sue or people from the show. How is that so heinous? (Not that I would comment there, I just don’t see it as a huge deal)

I don't know - there is something about using the guest book on a funeral home's website that just doesn't sit right with me. Honestly, I don't find it any different than going to the funeral and scribbling nonsense in the physical guest book.

O&A have taught us that no jokes are off limits - and I agree. You can absolutely use his mother's passing as a source of humor. I just feel like a better venue for that would have been twitter/fb/or this sub.

We're acting like Anthony is completely unjustified in how he responded to this sub's actions. Think of the situation - he just lost his mother after a lingering illness and he has to deal with the BS on the virtual guest book. Maybe he was able to take it in stride - but other family members probably weren't. He then had to deal with their shit at his mother's funeral.

This whole thing was just a bad idea. Again - I'm not saying that the sub can't make fun of it. I'm just saying that it went about it the wrong way. Whatever.

It sounds like you’re thinking of someone doing it to your dead mom. The context is: Ant is an ex shock jock, who was fired for a racist tirade on Twitter. Then he beat his live in gf and bit her. Throughout this he had self deprecating humor for a lot of it.

The few comments people left are very tame. Ant is way overeacting and obviously heavily drinking and probably worse

The few comments people left are very tame.

The first thing I saw when I first heard about it was Ant's screen capping that lunatic who Ant had blocked 5 times. I assumed at that point the guest book was going to be just as bad if not worse. When I finally saw it I was certain someone had posted the wrong thing. There just wasn't anything bad there. So people must be most likely right when they concluded it was the tranny post that got to him. What stomach-turningly thin skin you'd have to have to be afraid your family will jump to the conclusion that that one joke wasn't actually a joke. Even if he does like them, all it takes is an ounce of common sense to picture people reading it and figuring it for just another joke.

Why didn't he? Because he will never get over daddy's disappointment in ole Pissy Eyes.

It's truly sickening to see a 60 year old displaying the emotional maturity of a prepubescent.

I haven't been here in a while . What the fuck happened? Damnnnn

Anthony needed that guest book because he sure as fuck wasn't going to the funeral.

He fucked his friend's teen daughter.

...and madder than ever. HE'S BACK!

Get your dick picks in for tonight's $25 MILLION cock lotto.

Didn't they play car crash sounds over a dude telling a story about his daughter dying in a car crash?

You guys to stupid to know when too far is? Holy fuck

The comments on the obituary were nothing compared to photos of shit, nigger cocks, sodomy, etc.

Memba the time he goaded listeners into having sex in the vestibule of ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL?

Actual live stinky fat couple sex in a world famous place of worship.

Not just some silly words posted on a virtual message board that 20 people will look at.

Remember all those shouting matches to callers he do about fucking their mothers in their old dead cunts?

I'm sure there are plenty of videos out there that I couldn't be arsed to look for but someone else might.

Anthony with alcohol induced dementia... rambling on for hours and hours about old television shows and FBI crime statistics. The nurses at the home could record it and upload it straight to Compound Media and nobody would be able to tell the difference.