What are some other subreddits you frequent to keep the bad thoughts away?

2  2018-01-08 by [deleted]



Just checked out the r/blackladies sub. Those "not people" are really up high on their anti-white pedestal.

r/smalldickproblems always gives me a chuckle if I'm feeling blue.

that shits sad as fuck

I go on the stims sub when I think I'm going to die from stims but this is the only sub I post on


For when I run out of scat porn

None of this has been of any help, I dont no what i expected.

I used to be able to go on /r/incels and discuss how all women are whores which is why they don't fuck me which is why I hate them, but they closed it down, and now I have no one but my daughters to discuss it with


Hope to see you there