Ma, it's been 5 years. I don't think he's coming.

193  2018-01-08 by SpudsCuckley


"you and my father used to run North Jersey."

"... that's nice."

"You and my father used to imprint sexually deviant behaviors and alcoholism on me. You know 'This little thing of ours? '"

Opies mom

"You either come back heavy titted, or you don't come at all"

It is a goddamn shame this comment was too late to get more upvotes.


Ooof that's a rough one

he wouldn't say that



Poor Ro... I can picture her crying to Joe. "Michael, why doesn't my son come to visit me?"

I'm Joe, Mom, don't you remember??

She just stares blankly off into space and proceeds to chew on her knuckles. The whole time just wishing her young boy Ant would visit just one more time...


"Why you do this to me, Anthony?"


that's when she's not scared shitless because she's started hearing malevolent voices and threatening phantoms walking around. Alzheimer's and dementia hallucination stories from old people are really fucked up. I did housework for a woman that only lived in a couple of rooms of her house because little people lived in her furniture and a man with a squashed face stood in some of her bathrooms.

Ro probably wished she had her son on hand to keep her safe.

Rosemarie Rigby, babbling nonsense to family that doesn't show up 🎵

She's chewing a cup 🎵

They're all fuck ups, look at Ant Jerking. Drowning in cock in the night while he's still on the air. It gets in his hair. 🎵

all the homely people...

Where do they all go to cum?

all the LI people, why are they all such bums?

Father Joe Senior, his youngest son grew up to be a pissy-eyed queer; just as he fee-ared

HA HA HO LEE SHIIIIT Now Ant is so pissed that he put out a hit on this sub, because we found out that he sucked on Sue's nub.


Joe should start covering this song:

Ro: Dummy, why you do this to me? Please Dummy, I’m afraid.

Ant: You’re not my mother.

Ro: Dummy please.




The thought of this actually pisses me off. This faggot has been ignoring her since he still worked at SiriusXM, and I'm supposed to have sympathy that a fucking website page had comments posted on it? Take a fucking hike.

I love how Ant inadvertently brought more subs and life into this sub hehe we are at 20k subs now thanks to him and look at all these memes he is responsible for.

This sub is giving momma Cumia the attention denied to her by her repugnant son.

Hi to the ball washers who are observing but too scared to chime in 👋

Ol' numbskull

She probably forgot who he was

Every cloud...

Fucking bruuuttaall

Lady Di is off at sea serving her country but her son still visits her. The son she abandoned and chose alcoholism over.

Where do they all go to cum?