The way to really fuck Ant over is to get a fairly popular youtuber to cover his meltdown and attack on free speech

14  2018-01-08 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Somebody with a rabid fanbase like mr metokur or internet historian who will do an in depth video on the subject. There is so much meat to this story when it's all covered Ant will lose whatever tiny amount of clout he has left.


Imagine if he's celebrated for fucking trannies and we get in trouble for bullying him for it.

It would be pretty funny.

TBH what makes me the maddest about Old Man Cumia is he doesn't appreciate Sue like he should. She's a goddess, any guy would be lucky to be with her and he does nothing but try to distance himself from her.

Joe Sr really did a number on him if he thinks that getting with Sue Lightning is gay.

Fairly sure you can't be a goddess if you have a penis.

I get that you're meming in case Ant reads this thread, but she is. And even if you can't, she's 99.9% female and .1% penis (which is also very feminine) which still rounds up to female. Ergo she's a goddess.

Shut up faggot.

Nice ad hominem, I just used math to prove traps aren't gay and that's all you've got.

I got a 750 on the math section of the SATs, I am straight, and I whack to trannies on a weekly basis, deal with it.

They're going to hell either way so who cares?

You didn't do the math right, actually. Sue also has a prominent ballsack and a pair of bolt-on tits. And a slight Adam's apple.

I will admit Sue does pass mostly, especially compared to some of the monsters that have been featured on the show over the years, but he's still a man. And if you were entirely straight, you wouldn't have a predilection towards women with penises.

I dunt no maffs bet dis one seems to add up to me guvna

Weekly? Now you sound gay

I get that you're meming

I'm doing nothing of the sort, you fucking dopey lummox.

You wanna try that again in English? God, I hate my generation. Internet-speak nonsense every other word.

The word "goddess" refers to a female entity.

A mentally ill man who stapled a couple of tits to his chest and throws on a bit of make up is not a woman.

I've got nothing against trannies; to each their own, but I'm not joining in with their delusions and you're a spastic if you believe what you just wrote.

Now if you wouldn't mind fucking off back to whatever progressive little hipster coffee shop where you learn all these ideas to copy, that would be great.

I wonder what Crazy Newfie Guy has to say about all of this.

Dopey and Agony. These shhhhhhiiiit heads.

Were those raw videos ever archived? One of my favourite segments.

Logan Paul could redeem himself by attacking a bigger piece of shit.

ok great idea! Ill email PewdiePie!!

Let's get Shmorky to make a cartoon about it, he hasn't worked in like 5 years

I think Opie and Anthony are too niche for any big youtubers to cover it. Think of how much context is involved. You'd have to go through at least the past 3 years to find Ant's meltdown entertaining. Probably even farther back. We're pretty much stuck with SaiyanzRage.

A few of these guys delve in to pretty obscure shit. Especially if it involves severe internet autism.

Ant and Joe are serious lolcow material.

Get a leftie guy like Kyle Kulinski. He's into this shit and he won't be biased to like Anth.

They need to be right wing, because Ant will label any video from a leftie as "liberal BS."

That'll be harder. Good luck.

There are a few who go after right wingers.


Mr Metokur used to be a fan, not sure if he still is. He references the show fairly often.

When? Love the metokur.

He became to big to do the show.

He used to more when he went by internet historian. It usually happens in his interviews with other youtubers. I've heard him do an uncle paul impersonation more than once.

Mister Metokur wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. I am pretty gay so I went on a Warski livestream week or 2 ago and he was in there, during the off-air part where it was just talking, O&A came up and he said he used to love Jocktober and asked about a link for the 24/7 livestream cause he would throw it on for something to listen to - if he knew about the shitshow (including the last one with Sue Lightning / Panera Dox Wars) it might be a candidate for an Internet Insanity with the past couple years leading up to now. Would be a great video. I have no ability to contact him but if enough people did on Twitter maybe he'd look into it.

Unfortunately after went down though, all of those links from 2016 in the Year-In-Review are now all dead, so I doubt pretty much anyone would bother doing the whole 2016-now part, and if it was just what's happened as of last week, might not be enough for a video, or too out of context. We would probably have to do the gruntwork of getting back all the material for it if we wanted to see something get made.

A lot more people know about O&A than it might seem, a ton of these YouTubers seem to know the show well or at least know of them, that Warski guy constantly does Chip references and said he had a BiteMyTorrent account back in the old days, plus a lot of people on their comments / chat section know the references too, so it could be a good video idea for any youtube person to make.

Last problem: Keith will without a doubt try to take anyone's video down by copyright claim who made one for this purpose

There has to be some way to contact him more directly. Through an associate or something. I don't know enough about alt right content creators to figure out who would be the right one to approach and could pass it along to metokur.

I know one guy who might be able to contact him or at least pass it along to someone who can -- Failure Accomplished a guy who also interviewed Anthony a time or 2... I'll send him a message and maybe he can pass it along

Fairly sure you can't be a goddess if you have a penis.

When? Love the metokur.