Joe Cumia is gonna execute us, gang. This man is quite the mongoloid

93  2018-01-08 by lobotomy75


Joe doesn't even have enough willpower to get a job

So let me get this straight, Joe. You are going to start killing us, with your guns, I presume. Do I have that correct? You are going to stalk us, find us, and then gun us down? That's what it sounds like.

Luckily you're a spaghetti-armed, fat-titted, 65 year old AARP member who has never left the state and you are about as intimidating as a 10 year old girl. I'd put your old ass up against the fattest, drunkest, druggiest member of this sub and my money would be on the sub member. A man of average size and intelligence would decimate you.

None of you faggots are going to do anything. You're not getting this sub shut down and you certainly aren't going to challenge anyone to a fistfight or show up to their house armed to the teeth. Take the fucking hit, laugh it off and move on with your lives.

never left the state

I put the over/under on Atlantic City trips Ant funded at 7.5.

never left the state

Sir, are you forgetting about the time they transported weed on the Greyhound from CA to NY?

Or the cross-hemisphere excursion to Gitmo?

Tire iron to the hip would do the trip.

Ol’ Brittle Bones Cumia.

I'd like to throw my hat in for fattest, drunkest, and druggiest sub member. I've got the drunken messages I sent stinks asking him to find me heroin in NYC to prove it.

Did Stinks ask for the money up front?

He sent him a T-shirt

I am probably one of the drunkest...can I get dibs on fighting Joe?

I think Joe may be under the impression that he’s the only armed person in the United States.

All of those domestic violence weapons his brother gave him are starting to go to his head.

Also, even if he started going on a sub reddit killing spree as he’s alluding to, that just proves what a scum bag he is. He has so little going on in his life that he’s willing to throw it all away because some people on the internet teased him. If I hit up Joe and told him to meet me in the Walmart parking lot for a fight he’d definitely be there ready to throw down with some kid. Joe is a violent savage. “BUT NO ITS THE BLACKS WHO ARE THE REAL SAVAGES”. The Cumia brothers are such phonies.

nobody cares about his threats. we know by now that he is just LARPing that faggy tv show sons of anarchy.

BUT it would be funny if he loses his account because of these serious death threats.

This would be a lot scarier if he hadn't whined like a bitch on People's Court.

If he's planning on tracking every user down on his Orange County chopper and savagely killing them one by one, he'll be apprehended by the authorities well before he can put a discernible dent in the subscription base.

And we'll call his few victims faggots.

It’s always a treat when one of our members ends up on local news

Keith Villanti is a rambling asshole

I try to defend Italian-Americans but these guys are just making it impossible.
I hope it's just a Jersey thing.

I liked the helicopter and shits thing.

I was thinking "wtf is this retard talking about"

and then you said that you are not very smart and I laughed and laughed.


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I honestly think this guy is working with a sub 80 IQ.

I thought that was a given. You thought everyone here called him a retard in jest?

And mommy will still be dead.

Facebook needs to do something about these terrorists openly planning their next attack on their platform.

muslims strike again and FB does nothing.

It's like a retard trying to write taglines for Steven Segal movies.


White trash are weird fucking people

The Cumias aren't white.

Not even close

Joe is going to use his military training to go Rambo and beat everyone on the sub with a soup ladle

Hope we brought a whole lotta bawdy baegs.

Don't go to any shops that sell MC memorabilia tomorrow some of you guys are okay

I honestly think there needs to be a movie or television show made about the Cumias, this shit is too good. I was in tears reading this.

the idea of them stewing about angrily at Ant's house is absolutely hilarious. I wish I could have seen Ant's reaction when he saw that Sue Lightning had left a message the condolences page

Can you imagine all the tough guy wannabe mafia talk around the poker table this last week?

"I'm gonna go get the papers get the papers"


They'd be perfectly cast in a remake of Pink Flamingos.

The Disaster Movie oh wait

I guess old custard head was bad then.

It's clear now that Ro actually died of shame.


You know you're embarrassing when your Alzheimer's-ridden Mom kills over from shame of a son she can't even remember the name of.

Psst... the word is 'keels'.

Boy do I have egg on my face...
jk it's cum


And yet, here we all are still...

What about the Eurofags in this sub?

I think Brother Kumiya would have trouble buying a pack of gum without his guns. Let alone travel to FOREIGN MUSLIM TERRITORIES

Report to FBI

What a surprise, a nigger making threats of violence.

hahahaha internet bangin ass lil bro leechin ass nigga

How is the arrogant fatso’s weight loss coming along?

Perhaps he could summon his fictional biker club pals to do his bidding for him.

Nah Joe is done with sons or anarchy because the lead actors political beliefs don't align with his

But you forget that Jax is the Pres. now, not Clay. The shit is on and we're all in trouble.

What show did this conservative intellectual think he was watching? SAMCRO is probably the kindest, gentlest, most politically correct outlaw motorcycle club in existence. They fight nazis, sleep with transgendered, and eventually allow blacks to join the club. If the show has gone on long enough I imagine the club would be assassinating men who were the subjects of #MeToo tweets.

Sooner or later, someone's going to feed Joe the wrong name and address, and he'll turn up to some biker's clubhouse in full SAMCRO colours with his sniper rifle, and demand to see the sergeant at arm's six year old son, who's been shit-talking him online.

It will go very well.


What is he babbling about?

Keith Villanti is right and his metaphors do not suck.

Northern Italy: DaVinci, the Medici, Dante Alighieri, Columbus, Galileo...

Southern Italy: Fake mafiosos, real mafiosos, guys who wear Bada Bing T-shirts, Arabs, sex traffickers, guys in Long Island who drive Fiats with Italian tricolor seatbelts.

Oh yes, their race obsession has been doing career wonders for the "good guys".

its not even that i'm offended, but some people are pushing this too far simply cause who cares about this guy to get so angry about him/have that much hate to him?

pest army daddy issues

Back up and try again champ

Oh we're all FUCKED! I'm pretty sure this is code for Jax to call in all the chapters and start wiping out their rivals. It's over, people. When you hear a Harley coming, kiss your ass goodbye.

Oh right, Joe is a fag with no stroke who doesn't even own a Harley. Stfu you white trash child-knob gobbler.

Joe Cumia wants to murder 2U fans in cold blood? Someone should alert all club owners

Hey Joe will it be the same as when your brother got hit in time square and was armed and did nothing about it except run home and vent on twitter.YOUR 60 the average pussy sjw 20 year old could beat you up

Joe is such a moron.


You sure do, Keith

Joe really thinks he's living in some sort of movie, doesn't he?

Like...he's a 60 year old man who dresses like other men, plays music written by other men, and has his bills paid by his brother but he has the confidence of someone whose actually done something. Amazing.

Do you think these dopes would actually sue reddit itself?

I have a feeling Keith has no idea how small 1mm is.

isnt it illegal to threaten people? especially threaten them with weapons that you personally ownl?

Says a faggot in a U2 cover band

Can you imagine all the tough guy wannabe mafia talk around the poker table this last week?

Hope we brought a whole lotta bawdy baegs.