Jim and Sam being good sports about us today.

170  2018-01-08 by WhippingHuskies

They were laughing about some of the shit they see here and being cool about it. Sam was even cracking up about his photoshops. I actually almost felt kinda bad bout fucking with them. Almost.


I've been here a long time and I've never seen a photo of Sam manipulated.

The sad thing is sometimes I can't even tell the difference between the manipulated and original Sam pics anymore.

It isn't only you. That mongrel race baby is obnoxiously prehistoric looking.

That is sad.




I've been known to enjoy a cock or 2 simultaneously, yes.

Getting drunk doesn't count as two, you degenerate.

When did this sub get so judgmental?

You're out of order, sir.

tsss whaddya sayin is he a soda popp machine or sumthin

Dis guyz gud.

Jim has actually always been pretty level-headed about this place. He's literally the only person who realizes that not everything said here is 100% serious, and we're "performing" in a sense (as douchey as that sounds).

Jim has actually always been pretty level-headed

Its his sobriety that helps. Imagine if Reddit was around when he was an alcoholic

He'd have a Bartles and Jaymes and call the cops demanding they shut the site down.

Jim is the most disingenuous piece of shit alive, he will say anything to benefit him in the moment, don't act so surprised by his comments.

He did the same shit after we trashed his garbage cartoon project the first time, came here & posted a few flattering words & you gullible queers got all starry eyed & went easy on him for a while. He's a worm at his core, keep your eye on the ball.

For real, you people are so easy to appease

Thank you. I will always hate Jim Norton.

I've never really heard Jim's opinion on this place waver, I really don't think he's being wormy. That said, he's an absolute ass mentally ill faggot with an eating disorder, and I can't wait to see his show canceled.

I've never really heard Jim's opinion on this place waver

That's because the worm never takes a goddamn stance. He did the same "I haven't read the comments that made Anthony mad yet" aloof oblivious routine in the clip from today. He does that on anything controversial where the safest stance is always pretending to be out of the loop.

He's a slippery fuck that Jimmy Boy

But is he slick like Cliff?

You're right that does sound douchey but it's true.

Thespians unite

Please explain performing; most of us are just civilians.

He, like us, understands the craft behind posting the same things everyday for months at a time

this board is actually not a media outlet or a "show"

Say what you want about Sam but at least the guy can take a fucking joke unlike cumio

At the very least if any of the posts do bother him he is smart enough to not show us. Sam is a good (misshapen and absolutely hideous) egg

The difference is Jim's family knows he fucks trannies so he wouldn't care if they stumbled upon jokes about it. They know he's in love with some creature that looks like He-Man.

The difference is Jim's family knows he fucks trannies so he wouldn't care if they stumbled upon jokes about it.

Is that why he doesn't even go to visit them on holidays? That mutant lives with just as much shame as Trantwan.

He goes on Christmas but spends Thanksgiving with Bob Kelly. He likes to look down on the Kelly family for eating like that as he eats his six green beans.

Can you image how horrifying it is to watch Bobby eat a festive meal?

Like a warthog devouring roadkill

She really does have prince Adam of eternia hair, doesn't he


"By the power of GAYskull!"



his face resembles Arnie's facemask in Terminator

HOLY Shit, Sam's more of a man than Anthony.

HGH will turn any genetic disaster into something resembling a man

300 pounds shredded what do you think about that DAAAALE

Cookie cutter porno addict


Sam does take it the best of the lot of them other then travis.

Nobody messes with Travis, so of course he takes it well.

He gets shit about his mother all the time.

That's stuff he brought up on the air vouluntarily, shit is probably just another made up story for radio. They lied about a lot of shit. Either way, true or not, he never showed signs of that bothering him.

Woof woof motherfucker

He has no choice, what is he going to do?


Maybe publicly, but he has said several times he is really sensitive to criticism

Sam and Travis are both young enough not to be bamboozled by the internet like Anthony is. O&A were two social media obsessed old men

I wouldn't feel bad, it's honestly all in good fun.

We're not actively trying to ruin their lives, we're just a bunch of silly geese here!

They are fake liking the sub because they realized its just pointless to try to go against us.

Yes & look at all the immediate "OMG THEY REALIZE WE ARE THE SHOW NOW LOL THEYRE NOT SO BAD" excited cornball faggot posts.

Stop getting buttered up so easily you needy dorks, J&S still needs to be taken down.

amen - they want daily listening threads - even management reads this sub

Perhaps another Mary Jean appearance is in order?

Hitler lost because he chose to fight on too many fronts. Let's focus on Ant for a few more days then when we get bored get back to Opie/Sam/Jum

they realized its just pointless to try to go against us

Final boss of the internet, right gang? Yecch.

The problem with trying to win is you're just toooooo god damn many and it will always turn into a war of attrition that cannot possibly be one.

Wow do I feel like a faggot for posting that, but it is actually the case.

That’s actually true. O&A are kind of tragic figures, in a way; they made a Faustian bargain through which they made millions of dollars for not doing much work, but they did it by cultivating a fan base that, well, looks like this. Now this is happening, and their only prospect of continuing to make a living involves continuing to deal with what they’ve made. It’s either that or go back to knocking tin, I guess, or go back to making appearances as Spuds Buckley.


I know.

I hope someone throws a cup of hot piss in Sam's mouth.
I hope someone doesn't throw a hot cup of piss in Jim's mouth.

Larry: How important is the piss?

Larry: Where did you get the cup?

"What happened to the zipper?"

This was actually upvoted

I hope someone doesn't throw a hot cup of piss in Jim's mouth.

That's fucked up, dude.

Sam and Jim are scared shitless of us, they ain't following Ant down this road.

So you reacted exactly as they intended because you're easily manipulated. Got it.

Yes. I'm indeed a sheep. BAAAAHHHH.

What I've noticed bout Anthony is he is as big a "keyboard warrior" as he claims us to be. When there is a conflict in front of him he clams up and doesn't know what to do. Yet when a post making fun of his mom gets 4 upvotes he goes on a 20hr twitter rant. He's a total pussy.

Never forget the time they shit on horseface Sarah Jessica Parker. As soon as she calls up the studio, his backbone ran away.

And Whoopi Goldberg too

That’s his legacy. His so-called “Greggshells” saga he proudly talked about on the air was not only Opie’s fault, sure Opie is an impossible asshole but greggshells is also a result of Anthony silently condoning & accepting it as normal by being a coward & never addressing the situation.

Dude doesn't leave his house without a personal cop to guard him. That tells you all you need to know about his "backbone." Once a pissy eyed faggot, always a pissy eyed faggot.

“Once a pissy eyed faggot, always a pissy eyed faggot“…no truer words have ever been written, you are a wise man my friend.

Yeah I don't know man it's tough. On one hand you're right and Ant definitely doesn't practice what he preaches but I don't want to motherfuck the guy, his mom just died. Anyway we got Mary Jean in today...

Good for them, I don't care, fuck'em.

WTF I Love WWE now

this place is the closest they'll have to a "fanbase", Jim doesn't want to admit it but he panders to us every now and then just to keep people here listening.

I don't believe any of this. I need to hear audio or see video.

It's a chess move. If you pretend to care about it you get worse flak. Doesn't mean he isn't hurt and enraged by the comments about him here and on twitter.

The "good egg" argument (being a masochist and pretending your feelings aren't hurt) used here is delusional

Just remind yourself that Jim said he didn't know if he could work with Louis CK again because he asked some girls if he could jerk off in front of them.

Did he actually say this?

I don't think anyone here really fucks with anyone beyond busting their balls and criticizing them. The Cumia bros are a different story becuase they bring the drama to us and are generally pieces of shit on a human level.

it's almost like ant is ''human garbage'', if you will

Jim was absolutely right about us. Also he wished cancer on Sam so god bless.



First part is them addressing the Bobbie situation. They then get into the Anthony Vs. Reddit fiasco.

Amazing, they remembered their own Jocktober rule and laughed at themselves.

idk...it's just different marketing strategies

personally, i dont think ants promo plan of paying to shut us down and antagonizing us was good, but it is bold . might work in the end tho

How so? What case does he have for shutting us down?

looks like my joke is a fail and not going to go viral. just downvote and move on

Will do, buddy. Godspeed.