Struck a nerve?

7  2018-01-08 by metatarsal_underwear


I posted that dumb African video. I have been smiling ever since, knowing that this stupid throwaway joke drove this drunken tranny fucker into a rage. It is more entertainment than Anthony has provided since 2013.

4:45 AM

I'm supposed to ignore this?


Baby boy Anthony doesn't know how to close the reddit tab or log out of twitter. Go do some show prep or something you fucking mongoloid berber.

Oh please. Enough with the "If any of you had any guts" routine, you effeminate bisexual. You got beat up by a girl and did nothing. You let a guy literally walk into your house and steal from you with help from your friend/gay lover and you did nothing. Nobody is afraid of you or your team of mediocre white guys in baseball hats.

You also are never getting this sub shit down. This happens several times a year. Some shit goes down, everyone panics, and then nothing happens. And a lot of that shit was way worse than this. Reddit might be a lot of things but the people who run it know how useless and absurd your gay threats are. You are on Reddit's pay no mind list.

We'll continue to mock you well into 2019 and beyond if you manage to make it that long. /u/anthonycumiashow, comment?

"You also are never getting this sub shit down."

True. It's as bad as it's ever gonna get.

You let a guy literally walk into your house and steal from you with help from your friend/gay lover and you did nothing.

Never heard about this?

There was a thread about it recently. Some guy was in Ant's house and robbed him and allegedly he was friends with Danny Ross or something.

A few days later Danny spilled a glass of red wine on an expensive Compound rug.

Yeah, it was during one of those Compound parties Cumia used to have. Danny brought over a guy and a girl I believe, and the guy snuck around and ransacked the house while folks were asleep or doing something else. They really didn't get into what was stolen, but I think it was some cash Anthony had around.

It was $1000 stolen from a girls purse in Ant's bedroom. Alarm went off when he tried to open the gun closet, and people saw him leaving the room. Covered extensively in "the most vicious show ever"

Thanks, I hadn't heard the story in a long time.

Aww, wassamatter pissy-eyes, Daddy Joe raise a faggot who can dish it out but can't take it?
All that yelling, all those father-son showers, the hairy-armed hooker with the deep voice your dad hired to make sure you didn't turn out a fag...all for nothing. Probably hears Dad's voice in his head ever day of his life, like the haunting whispers of Jacob Marley. "JEE-sus Christ. SON of A bitch."

That's just funny.


luis j gomez should fight Joe and Ant.