Jim and Sam are about to talk about them firing bonnie and vos

2  2018-01-08 by Dennyislife

At last. They will explain why they fired the podcast.


I thought Opie, in a desperate move for as much money as possible, cancelled all the shows he could (rich and bonnie, racewars, tuesdays) so he could take the 100 dollars a week each show got, since he fucked himself with the last minute contract shit, allowing jim and sam to slide into the morning slot.

Pretty sure Bonnie is a moron who won't publicly attack a friend's husband

It turned into ant mom talk and now bobo gofundme.

I like it when they fan serve this place.

Do you have a live link?

https://youtu.be/1rgSe2LrvOU don't know if you can scroll back

Thanks darling

Everything after the first break has been great

They are talking about all the shit that happened here this weekend.. it's pretty great .. really hope u/braunheiser is getting this

so it was all sam and his forehead now we know

Bonnie is a whiny bitch