How bad is The Godfather 3?

7  2018-01-08 by redtheftauto



Dont watch it, you'll hate pacino

Young Sofia Coppola is kinda sexy. Michael has the diabetes. That's about all I remember from that shitfest.

If you want to be a completest, watch it. On paper the story doesn't seem that bad, but the actual film is poorly acted, and just doesn't flow like the first 2, and other great mob films.

It has a couple of interesting murder set ups, but not much is memorable about it. Watch this and tell me what u think

It's the reason why they haven't attempted a Godfather 4

There's one good flashback scene, that's about it

However much shit that film gets, it deserves a million times more. It's absolutely abominable. It's not just 'not as good as the first two', it's fucking appalling in its own right. It's unwatchable. It's an unending slew of references to the two previous films. Someone has to say, 'make him an offer he can't refuse', and then someone else has to say 'keep your friends close but your enemies closer.' We get it. Al Pacino is ridiculous in it, as he is in most things. It's boring. It's slow. It's complicated. There is nothing good about that film except, as someone already mentioned, Sofia Coppola is gorgeous in it.

It's an okay movie, but it's absolute garbage compared to the first two.

read the plot synopsis and watch something else after that.