Ant breaks radio silence

155  2018-01-08 by FoetusCorruptus

After being mostly absent on Twitter after his most recent meltdown, Anthony resurfaced to give his take on the Golden Globes. This might shock you guys, but he was complaining about women and blacks.


Why cant women & blacks live their life like Drunky Cumia? At what point does the alcohol start to affect his actual sanity? He’s getting to he the age where it could become an issue.

Well if we're lucky he'll keep tweeting through the alzheimer's.


He probably doesnt remember his rantings of yesterday. It's all just a haze of cheap whiskey and guiness for him.

"What?? I said that?? (nervous laughter) Hole-E-Shit!! Five thousand dollars?? I don't have that kinda cash laying around....

Trust me, if anything the Xanax is responsible for extreme memory loss. That stuff absolutely rapes your short term memory when your taking it as prescribed... if you abuse it, it leaves massive gaps in your ability to recall even major shit from the past few weeks. Mixing it with alcohol obviously potentiates this.

He probably forgot his mother is dead.

sounds like a miracle drug to me

It is until you get dependant and then run out. Only substance more dangerous than alcohol to detox from.

counterpoint: maybe i wanna die


You wanna die from detox? You're a sick fuck huh, why no go the euphoric route and just OD..?

Proceed with caution, blacking out on benzos and booze is scary (especially the next day when the memories slowly come back)

I woke up next day with a cut on the face,covered with blood after apparently walking into bathroom doorway trying to take piss in the dark while blacked out with that mix plus percs


Absolutely. One moment you feel like you're pretty fucked up and fine. Next you wake up and you get a message saying broke shit at some house party you don't remember going tk


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Waking up on the couch of a sorta kinda friend who I only know because of his association with another closer friend, then remembering I threw up on his hardwood floor and cleaned it up with toilet paper after bumming cigarettes from him all night. There wasn't even a party going he just let me in out of kindness.

I still cringe when remembering it 3 years later.

If its good enough for Stanhope...

This should be the way the sub views all acts of substance abuse and degeneracy.

are u saying he could've fucked Sue, and not even remember it?

I punched a coworker who didn’t even speak English on those things mixed with alcohol. I woke up with no memory of even leaving the restaurant we were at, but boy oh boy did I pay for it nonetheless.

its chowda!! say it!!

sigh Shau-DER.

No, no... I'm saying he definitely DID fuck Sue, DOES remember it, and behaves like somebody who did that and does remember but is horribly the ashamed of himself.

Look at this mug using words like 'potentiates' and shiznit on this sub like we're going to know what that means.

Drug addiction has been teaching drop outs the metric system as well as basic pharmacology since the late 60s.


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I can still see it

Of course the AutoModerator doesn't work on this subreddit

Same topics, different day for this one trick pony.

One trick Tony

Vurry good. That's the line. You see, that's what we do here, because we understand "funny." First guy lobs something up and the other brings it home.

You can almost say that we bring the funny.

So a guy painting himself a victim all day segues into bashing others who paint themselves victims? Guys, I'm starting to think Anthony may have a drinking problem.

" This might shock you guys, but he was complaining about women and blacks"

You're Shittin' me

No, it's: Ya kiddin

the best friend of any addict is ambien and xanax. You don't remember shit and you emerge with the same level of confidence.

Cool. Get back to me when you fuck his mouth while he's passed out.

Nana enjoys watching the Golden Globes, with his golden gals, and drinking Chardonnay while yelling about the black guy from "Get Out".

I only see 1:04:01 hours available of this 2 hr episode. Wtf. There is a 'Reddit and gaming" section at 1:12:00. Wtf. Plus SaiyanZ has been banned from compound media everywhere. He wasn't even bashing AA Show. Wtf.

Ant also broke a 14 year old girl's hymen.

sounds like a miracle drug to me

are u saying he could've fucked Sue, and not even remember it?

counterpoint: maybe i wanna die

Look at this mug using words like 'potentiates' and shiznit on this sub like we're going to know what that means.

This should be the way the sub views all acts of substance abuse and degeneracy.

Vurry good. That's the line. You see, that's what we do here, because we understand "funny." First guy lobs something up and the other brings it home.

He probably forgot his mother is dead.