Never thought I would be this douche, but I’m gonna have to miss the race war, fam.

1  2018-01-08 by Chip_-_Chipperson

I know most of you fuckers are good people. You cunts gave me some good laughs over the years. Make new friends. Love the ones you already have. The materialistic bullshit doesn’t mean anything in the end. Sorry to hit you guys with this fruity nonsense. I just want everyone to be happy.

P.S. Opie has luscious tits


Oi, check your messages.

at least wait around till keith tries to dox us

No motherfucker stop, we're not done yet, stick around

Rich vos will be performing in hell on 1/8/18 at mansons yuck yuck hut

can't kill yourself before seeing Rich Vos, which no doubt is intellectual/spiritual in nature

I have a 5 month old kid, a wife that doesn't talk/fuck me anymore (you know what it does to your confidence to have condoms expire?), thousands of dollars in debt, a shitty dead-end physical labor minimum wage paying job that I need (and have been wanting to quit for 6 years now) and can't trade for regardless of how many places and times I apply anywhere else (took me at least 3 applications a day every day for 8 months to get this job), I just damaged my lats and don't have anymore sick time (get 2 hours every 20 hours we work or something like that) while I have to watch my kid everyday for 9 hours till the wife comes home from work and we switch off for me to go straight to work. I had to give up my ONLY hobby of recording, writing, and even fucking playing my music and I can see my skill deteriorating any time I do get the chance to play the instruments I was once good at because I don't have the time anymore. Also my kid is sleep training because we fucked up and held her while she slept when she was born because it was the only way we could get sleep for work so now, we're getting 3 to 5 hours of broken sleep on average every night if we're lucky. The only time I get time to myself is when I trade sleep for it. Thats the only time I get to play music or listen to Opie and Anthony or Ron and Fez while playing games or doing other stuff. I still remember thinking about how much I hated my life before ever having a kid and just wanting to off myself. Looking back, that was nothing compared to how it is now. I still remember when sleeping, eating, and shitting wasn't a luxury. And the worst part is, I have no one to blame but myself for getting into this situation.

I'm sure people here have it even worse than I do. But I'm not saying this to complain, I'm just sharing my experience; it can ALWAYS be worse than what it is now.

But, even though I'm not as good as I used to be, I'll never stop playing music because thats the one thing I enjoy doing. Also I love my kid. Maybe you just need some sort of output. Like Ron told Anthony, something to show for what he is. Something that shows you and reminds you of your self worth.

Besides, I refuse to kill myself before Gregg Opie Hughes does.