Reminder: Ant has time to devote to shutting down this subreddit but couldn't find a day in the last 5 years to visit his dying mom.

108  2018-01-08 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Reminder: Nobody Cares

Reminder: You are a drug addict and nobody cares,

He has a lot of time on his hands, but not a lot of love in his heart.

Yeah, he seriously regularly brags about how unbusy he is.

& a lot of cum in his butt.

His mouth too. And it probably pools up in those facial craters.

Did he say he didn’t visit her for the last 5 years or is this second hand info or speculation?

I'm not sure it matters at this point.

Oh, he had the time. Visiting her was just too uncomfortable for him.
The only "selfless" things Ant does are problems he can throw money at.