"Brigading is one way. There are others. We’re working on it. I’m not a very busy guy. I can devote a lot of time to this."

2  2018-01-08 by yvo4

this man is losing his fucking mind

well done to whoever had the brilliant idea of posting in his mother's obituary


Not a very busy guy? Why didn't you visit your mother in the last five fucking years instead of acting like you give a fuck now?

Because he might as well turned a KFC bucket upside down, drawn a sad face on it and talk to that.

Leave that rich racist gay pedo alone! =(

He socialises with mutants like Bobo & Big A . Is talking to a vegetable that much different than either of those cunts?

It's probably tough to look at a drooling retard and remember better times, like when you freebased coca in together.

It's probably tough to look at a drooling retard and remember better times, like when you freebased coca in together.