Holy shit, fellas. After this Anthony fiasco, I love Opie now.

0  2018-01-08 by Hold_My_Brush22

Opie: Strong willed. Doesn't let the hate bring him down. If anybody brings him down, it'll be him gawddamnit.

Anthony: Pissy eyed racist bitch getting drunk alone in mommy's shoes Twittering to his "haters" at 6am.



Shut up, queer.

What you meant to say was “Shut up, Tits”

Hey now. This is a no hate speech subreddit, nigger.


The only way this possibly could have been a good post was if it was made by /u/Opiesucks, in which case it would have been an all time great.

Mark my fawkin words, brotherman. This is post of the faawwkinnn day sniff

This whole harassment faggotry makes me love those fat fools Erock and Steve C even more. They both took all the shit thrown their way in their strides. Erock couldn't have anything nice because of the show, neither could Steve. Long Live the fat staff of O&A, Roland the Informant included too obviously.

If this episode from Ant is all you needed to love Opie all of a sudden you are a total faggot.


Mark my fawkin words, brotherman. This is post of the faawwkinnn day sniff