Anthony went to rehab to keep his guns, correct? Can a petition be filed with the courts to get them removed?

2  2018-01-08 by MushmouthMenino

Seriously, it’s NY which is not a gun-friendly state.

Furthermore, I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with a racist man who has repeatedly mentioned his preparation for ‘race wars’ by arming himself to the teeth. I’m sure his neighbors would feel much the same if they were aware of this.

Not to mention he is a habitual user of alcohol and prescription sedatives which is a disqualification in and of itself for having a concealed weapon permit in most places.

He has gone to rehab to shirk DV charges, yet flaunts the fact that it was all just a sham.

Not to mention his countless other encounters with the police which, while shouldn’t mean anything by themselves, add to an already potentially dangerous man who may be showing signs of mental illness and a meltdown.

I’m a big 2nd Amendment fan but Anthony is potentially upsetting our 1st Amendment right of free speech. And we all know #1 is always more important than #2, unless you’re in the bathroom.


Yes, it certainly can be done. You will lose anonymity by filing, but there is a remedy.

i believe this could be interpreted as that pesky 'harrassment'.

Possibly could be — especially if someone not from NYC metro tries to do it. Or makes him look bad in his own neighborhood. Unless the person repeatedly tries to petition the court, I’d doubt a semi-local or local petitioner would be considered a harasser. That’s simply keeping you and your family safe. That being said, the law is probably not going to look as kindly to some out-of-state person who will never come in contact with him in public places.

If he pulls a Gomer Pyle from Full Metal Jacket, it means nothing to me unless the other victim is Denny. That would suck.

Why are you so concerned?

Why is Anthony so concerned about this subreddit?

Because it’s a public site shitting on his family and now threatening his right to take away his guns. Just nonsense your post, why you gotta be so cunty?

You’re correct. I’m saying it is possible to go through legal means to attempt take away his guns if there is a credible threat or if he’s violating any conditions of having them in his state.

It is also a site shitting on his family because his family does stupid things that Anthony himself has pointed out or has been pointed out in public.

And you are also 100% correct: I am exceptionally cunty today. I injured my right arm falling down on some ice last week so now I have to jerk off in the southpaw stance.

In all seriousness though — I really don’t give a shit either way. Let him keep his shitty pieces. On the flip side, he shouldn’t threaten this board when he made a living fucking with other media personalities.

You and Opie lost the upper hand in this fight when you started AOTM. Consider yourself lucky you all made a killing while you could!