Bobby is following sue also this sub effects anthonys life

2  2018-01-08 by angelog4524


Her 2B cosplay is kinda cute. Yes I'm a faggot.

you sure are

Why were you on sues Instagram?

she lives in my city, i want to hang out w her so i can ask her about ant and bob kelly and i want to be her realtor

And jack her off

I dunno man. I'm not sure being sexually attracted to 2B pencils is technically faggotry

Don’t drag Bobby into! He’s a beloved character in this universe with thick skin! (Even if it is indeed due to him being a rhino)

he brought this onto himself

No judgment here OP this is an open minded trans friendly Sub, you don't need us or Bob Kelly to validate your sexual tastes. Go be you and follow whom ever your heart desires.

He has been friends / aquaintences with Sue for a couple years now.

Kalergis? I get that shit stuck in my throat sometimes.

You mean ambergris?

Bobby introduced Sue to Anthony I believe

Whats with all the faggots in the O&A world, fucking queers.

Fucking weird man

Sue was on his show as a guest. Why wouldn't he follow her (male)?

Ant is a dick sucker