Nia Burr accompanies Michelle Williams at The Golden Globes

3  2018-01-08 by tigbiggernits


She has more holes in her face than count Cumia.

Still can't believe she's she founder of the '#metoo' movement. She's so unrapable it's beyond baffling. She doesn't even look human. She looks like a racist depiction of a mammy from a Mickey Mouse cartoon from the 40s. She's got the nose of Artie Lange, the skin texture of Anthony Cumia, the build of Big A, and the skin color of Anthony Cumia.

Wait what? She started that hashtag? Is this pic real? I know nothing about her or even Bill cause I don't listen to him anymore but I also avoid all the hate he may receive here. Even though I lost interest in him as of late I also still like him