I actually called the number at the 2u site and talked to Joe.

0  2018-01-07 by I_Booped_Your_Nose

He was actually a decent down to earth guy. I wanted to shit in him but he was nice and seemed to agree that all this stuff got out of hand.


Does he still hate blacks?


then we know you're loying

Honestly I just think he is a civilian who doesn't know how to deal with this shit.

does the sun set in the west?


Hi, Joe

This is how it started with the /u/theronin23 and he was dead a few months later.

Let's hope Joe doesn't let us down this time.

Killa Kuhn is the martyr we deserve.

Hold off on the humanization for a couple weeks. I need to view him as my adversary for the battle to come.

Sorry. We talked. He seemed to agree that Ant is kinda losing it.

....FIIIIIIGHTING out of the red corner, this man is a fictional TV gang cosplayer, standing 6 feet two inches tall, in his Genuine SPIKE TV big boy heels motorcycle boots, tipping the scales somewhere between Ginny Sac's mole and "Way Before" Vito Spatafore weight, fighting out of Tunisia, by way of some Long Island shit hole, the REIGNING, DEFENDING, UNNNNNDISPUTED fake biker Samcro Tuff Guy Champion of the WORLD, YUUUU-Seff "KID SPIT GUZZLER" Allll-KUUUMIYAAAAH!


Why did you want to shit in him

Hush. You know what meant.

It's part of SAMCRO initiation.

What were you going to say to him before he seduced you?

So you called some asshole as a representative of reddit then came here to tell us the big news? What a depressing existence.

No not at all. How is life treating you?

And you didn't think to record the call?

Assuming it actually happened, did you explain that most of the things left on the obit were people doing show references as way of offering condolences