You literally went on TV talking about this place when you had a clear cut legally binding contract that would result in a court win.

23  2018-01-07 by Dennyislife


Oh shit:

"I used to have a kid that lived in the neighborhood that could get anyone's info for a $25 iTunes card. He got arrested a few years ago and I haven't seen him since. Having these douchebag's info is their worst nightmare."

heresh the thing, he chose to go on national tv so he could just go on tv. He could have settled in a regular civil court but went out of his way to be on tv. Hes happy that half nosed speaker stealing baby killer ratted on him.

"...horrible karma coming their way."

Is he threatening with downvotes?

He thinks that guys kid dying was karma for getting his gig cancelled.

I think Karma will be when Kuhn breaks out of jail and goes looking for samcro Joe.

Why doesn’t he just tell Ant this in person instead of acting all tough on twitter?