In all honesty: Coule Ant realistically get this place shut down?

2  2018-01-07 by TangerineReam

Would reddit take his claims seriously, knowing who its coming from? If this were coming from the editor of Jezebel, that would be one thing...


Absolutely. It’s a miracle this cesspool has lasted this long

The miracle will be if it gets shut down.

If I go down I'm taking you all with me.

Depends on which Reddit admin gets to to read his complaints.

If they already know him and already don't like him, they can just ignore his request entirely. He won't take this to court.

If they don't know him and take his claim seriously without investigating, they'll just shut this place down. It's just a few clicks for them.

If they don't know him but they DO take their time to check the sub out and find all the horrible things Anth has done, they'll ignore his request. We should post as many reminders as we can, especially about his views on blacks and women. I'm sure the Reddit staff is full of SJWs. The pedo stuff sounds too crazy to believe and takes longer to get into, they won't click on that. Don't force that.
