Anthony broke Twitter TOS by making a new account. Please notify twitter admin that he’s got around the ban and is still promoting racism

296  2018-01-07 by uralldiseased


Oooh boy. I knew Anthony would blow his brains out if he ever took more than a day off xanax or booze. Cause there's no way he can face how pathetic of a man he is.

But if he was permanently forced off twitter? That'd do it too.

blow his brains out

With what?

Illegal guns.

it'd be cutting our nose off to spite face... his twitter is gold for us.

This is the END DAYS.

Mutual annihilation. Tranth fired his nukes first but retribution will be ours even after an untimely demise.

We will survive. Our John Conner has yet to reveal himself.

Bams_Seed is Sarah Conner


She’s got a nice brown cooter.

Yeah someone tell his starving war time consigliaris like Fred from Brooklyn that we have a big nuke button too.

He cut off his nose to spite his crater face

You’re the guy who went and warned joe matarese we were making fun of him

erm... no. You're wrong there buddy.


Report him here:

All his racist tweets and proof he's evading a ban:

No. Twitter is garbage and you’re an sjw clown

Yeah? You are.

Nothing gayer than people like u who can't put aside your cult's beliefs to fuck with Anthony

I don’t mind fucking with him but getting him banned is the same tactic as him wanting to ban this sub: faggot shit

Who gives a fuck? Obviously Ant's isn't above doing SJW "faggot shit". Why the fuck should we hold ourselves to a higher standard? He's on the warpath to get this place banned. He's calling on his twitter followers to email the admins. Lying down and letting this pockmarked pedo get his way with zero retaliation is the real "faggot shit".

He set the rules. He wanted to use sjw tactics, so I guess that's the way it's going to happen.

faggot shit

You post in r/relationship_advice lmao.

He needs help with his faggot shit

This really should be all we're working on right now. For him to get banned from Twitter right now would be the funniest shit this board has been a part of.

Clearly you haven't been introduced to the many heinous crimes of Antwan Kumiya.

He can't keep getting away with it!

i did my part all you fucktards out there better do yours

I did mine by reporting this bullshit post.

To who?

Keith the Cop and all those interweb forensic fellas, I'd assume

lol ya don't get it do ya?

I've been at this for over 7 hours so far, don't tell me to do my part!

Everybody do this!!

If Anthony did not have Twitter, that guinea really might off himself.

Sucks that he doesn't have a gun anymore.

I'm trying to use the links in pastebin, not working.

You can't use that URL when submitting a ticket because they require it to be a link to a Twitter URL

Under the URLs there are the URLs directly to the tweet

Much appreciated


So is this another one of those subs taken over by libtard commies?

Seems likely, not like this sub has a history of fucking with the cumia's

No, but Anthony sure is acting like one (a massive faggot).

You white knight pussy.

You’re really dumb.

I hate Anthonys guts as much as I hate libtards. Fuck off.

Too bad. This used to be my favorite sub on Reddit.

People who say 'libtard' should be publicly hanged.

True but so should those who call them out. It's s dilemma

You truly are an out of touch faggot.

Goddamn, this group can sure be gay sometimes.

Shut up faggot

No, you!

really?? when did SNIVELING RATS co-opt this forum.

so many of this bitch-snitch threads

You white knight pussy.

I doubt half of them were even OnA fans. Their Stern fans who have no where to turn since Howie turned into a SJW.

You are literally retarded.

Hoo Hoo I invented calling people retarded.

/r/opieandanthony is pretty much dead now. Way too many fags in this group nowadays.

He'll just create another alt-account but I'm all for mildly inconveniencing him anyway.

I reported a ton of his racist shit. He’s going to cry when they lock this one.

Seems like a chick move.

It is, but so is reporting this sub.
Fight fire with fire. Fight gay with gay.

Fucking BADASS!!

Every time he creates a new one, he loses half his audience.

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yeah, but this time we'll report him immediately.

Yeah but he loses his followers. After the ban his followers actually have to seek him out

Twitter allows him to spread his shitty political views beyond his cat, Beavis. He needs them to feel like his alcoholism and emotionless lifestyle hasn't isolated him from the entire world

I don't care about his political views in the least, I just think it would be hilarious if his account got locked after all of his "I'm gonna get your sub shut down" tough guy talk.


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every time he loses account - he loses followers.

It's a minor inconvenience for one of us to lose a sock account, but losing a twitter is a massive blow to someone who makes a living as an entertainer.

Twitter, his occasional youtube videos and alex jones is the only link he has to the outside world.

Just so you guys know, you can now be banned on twitter if it's proven that you have said racist things or encouraged violence anywhere else online or offline. I sure hope no 1 from here takes advantage of this and get him banned.

This is some pussy ass shit right here. Tattlling to get someone in trouble? It's one thing to be a pest and fuck with someone, but tattling? That's the ultimate bitch move.

What fun is witnessing his meltdown if we have no place to talk about it?


Reported the fucker.

Are you guys fucking serious about this? God you all are an embarrassment as "fans" of the then Opie & Anthony Show. Fucking morons. He has never promoted racism.

The opie and Anthony show does it exist idiot. They are doing this in response to old cunt Anthony trying to shut this sub down yet again. Piss off.

Good for Anthony It should be shut down for all the harassment your giving him and his family fuck face. And if you read my comment more carefully u would have seen that i put then next to Opie & Anthony u dumb illiterate fuck.

fuck face

hi Opie

He has never promoted racism.

Can you...expand on what you mean by that.

Like you can that his racism is harmless, or you even agree with him, but he clearly does promote it.

He's not the boss of racism so he can't promote it

Nigga u retarded

Please please do this. He’s admitted Twitter is his life. If he gets removed again he’ll be destroyed

Omg just leave the man alone! Worry about your own lives already

But I like when Ant has twitter

Well. He always had his Gab account.

How the fuck didn't he get banned straight after he made that account?

still promoting racism

You mean the truth?

Printing racism??? Wow pointing out differences in people's culture. Also joking about stereotypes IS NOT RACISM!! THE FUCKING PC POLICE. The pussifucation of social media there work place the U.S in general is revolting!! Long live Anthony Cumia and Chip Chipperson?!

blow his brains out

With what?

erm... no. You're wrong there buddy.
