Anthony and his twitter brigade might actually get us shut down. What’s the contingency plan?

11  2018-01-07 by uralldiseased

And can we report some of his most racist tweets to twitter admin in retaliation.

It feels great to be at war again.


war huh?

Well you know. As close to war as a bunch of faggots can get

Be careful, joe is a decorated chef

Ill just salute then pull the eject lever

If these are our last moments together, I just want you guys to know I’m sorry.

I’m sorry I was so mean to you.

Every time I downvoted you, I.. I threatened you, I yelled at you, I pushed you beyond your limits is because I believe in you!

I believe in each one of you!

I believe in your spirit and your intelligence and your potential!

And every time I talked about walking away it was because I was scared – I just didn’t think I was good enough to stand next to you and call you brothers and say to you — I LOVE YOU!

…I love you guys so much!!!

ANSWER r/scorch

Thats almost poetic. I love you too.


or take a leaf from Anthony's book... r/opieandanthonyxyz

Yeah I've subbed to both for now.

If the sub isn't here when I wake up, I want to let you all know that you're faggots

I don't see him actually shutting us down. If he was a woman or a minority maybe, but this is white power aryan Cumia, we're practically doing Reddit a favor

I’ve always had a theory that the Reddit admin have purposely held back on hitting the big red button knowing we target racists.

But who knows. Ant’s horde of loyal tweeters could sway them.

Like the major protest outside Sirius over Ant's firing. We are screwed.

This is a good time to remember that Anthony was perfectly happy to go on this show

Its sponsors include the white separatist Council of Conservative Citizens and the Institute for Historical Review, a Holocaust denial group.

The Political Cesspool

The Political Cesspool is a weekly far-right talk radio show founded by Tennessean political activist James Edwards and syndicated by the organizations Liberty News Radio Network and Accent Radio Network in the United States. First broadcast in October 2004 twice a week from radio station WMQM, per Edwards it has been simulcast on Stormfront Radio, a service of the white nationalist Stormfront website and as of 2011 is broadcast on Saturday nights on WLRM, a Christian radio station in Millington, Tennessee. Its sponsors include the white separatist Council of Conservative Citizens and the Institute for Historical Review, a Holocaust denial group.

According to its statement of principles, the show stands for the "Dispossessed Majority" and represents "a philosophy that is pro-White." It has attracted criticism—including from The Nation, The New Republic, the Stephen Roth Institute, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and the Anti-Defamation League—for its promotion of anti-semitic, white nationalist and white supremacist views.

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Remember, only respond with well documented and factual evidence proving they're racists who lust after children.

Leave your mom's basement and get a job?
