Dear anyone coming here to shut the reddit down: Ant is a pissy eyed faggot who admitted he would fuck a 13 year old.

211  2018-01-07 by TinKnockinMoroccan

He was also catfished by a 40 year old man pretending to be an underage girl and had a barely legal trans camgirl/escort named sue at the compound(where he probably sucked her little weenie). When this reddit found out about it, he tried to cover it up by attempting to shut the reddit down and doxx people.

He's a massive faggot who has brutally mocked and attacked people for decades, but can't take a simple joke at the expense of his braindead mom who he didn't even visit for years. He claims to be an advocate of free speech yet is putting a bounty out to anyone who can censor this reddit.

Do you really want to follow this pile of human garbage?


Is there a bigger faggot than HG from Long Island?

Anthony is really trying hard to top him.

Oh I bet he is........

Steve from bayshore or Mongo the loid.

I get Steve from bayshore confused with Fred from Brooklyn. I don't know which one it was, but someone posted a picture of his fat ass and I suggested we cook and eat him, to which someone replied that we would find a "belly full of nigger cum." I had a laughed heartily at that one.

dis nigga journaling n shit

I just enjoy sharing the gift of laughter, friend.

As a long islander I'm embarrassed. Not everyone is like this.

Lol you guys really have the ammo to end his d list celebrity status.

That's a gift that's available to all.

Until he denies that allegation a minimum of 3 times on national television I'm going to have to believe it.

This link cannot GET enough Up-votes. This is sick. He should not be able to find work again; ever.

He should not be able to find work again; ever.

Were you worried that was a previous risk?

Jesus Christ. Son of a bitch.

Wow, that to catch parody was really poorly filmed.

Yeah, but only if he can completely dehumanize them and fuck them.

He's too good of a guy to have a relationship with a child. He just wants to stick his dick in them.

hahahahah ant is such a fucking pussy

Yea this needs to be a stickied post

sticky please.

Didn't opie coin the phrase 'human garbage' to describe ant? Gotta give him credit on that one.

LOL nobody is coming here to shut down you animals.

Like that would stop anyone.

Hah! Like yoooooou wouldn't. Another block!

who admitted he would fuck a 13 year old.

So you are SAYING that he is NOT all BAD?!?!?

5,000 big ones! (Rubs fingers together while spittle leaks out the side of mouth)