Bobo's Sister Took A Semester Off To Take Care of Her Mom and Volunteer Aboard (3rd pic is the best)

21  2018-01-07 by howdidigetthis


I want to fuck Bobos sister. Donate to my gofundme awlroight?

Only if I can get sloppy seconds.

by the time you get yourself hard Ill already be done

Just make sure you pull out. Don't need to spread those tard genes any further.


Haha. Fair enough.

Where’s the pic where you can see that her nipples are pierced?

Its kinda funny how her pics are shared on reddit simply bc her retarded brother showed his mangled dick on a radio show couple times

its very relevant to O&A

I don't get why people publicly post that shit. So the fat girl you went to high school with can see how happy you are? Social media addiction maaan

In pic #6 she apparently was in Liberia, Costa Rica. I'd gladly contribute to a GoFundMe to send her to the other Liberia.

This is my life...creeping on a retard's sister on a Saturday night. Kill me please

You're among friends Ricky!!

I just looked through an entire gallery of photos of a girl because she's the sister of a mental retard that sometimes appeared on a radio show that is now defunct

"Welcome to the Split"

Free-spirit chicks like this infuriate me.

She's a Staten Island five and thinks she's entitled to travel and be this citizen-of-the-world. Like no bitch, you grew up in a lower-middle-class garbage dump, your brother is retarded, and you have thunder thighs. Your life is going nowhere fast, trust me.

In five more years she's going to be a full flatso, and her nipple ring isn't going to help one bit. She'll marry some idiot she meets at a music festival who'll eventually get a job as a bus driver or some shit (after he cuts off his white-boy dreadlocks) and she'll squeeze out three kids, praying that none of them get the Bobo gene.

With any luck she'll just die in a plane crash on her way to Ecuador or some shit and spare us the pain of having to watch her on social media anymore.

She has thick ankles. Definitely gonna grow up to be a big fatso.

so does she just find a dude to fuck in each country she goes that will hook her up with free shit

No, she uses gofundme money.