Bobo is literally on the front of Reddit right now. I'm sure one of you has now convinced the web that this poor kid is running a scam. Do you not understand how evil/funny this is? I don't want to be mean, but it's punching down at the most extreme level.

2  2018-01-06 by [deleted]



He literally ran a scam claiming medical bills and eviction and then went to Mets games and sent his sister to get fucked by natives.

Yes, he's running a scam, but it's diminished capabilities. He's helped the show every time he could, why try to hurt this guy.

Seriously, you can't get the entire web mad at Bobo, that's not right.

There is a grey area, I will admit but he has responded with basic questions about the legitimacy of his Met tickets, Lady Gaga concerts, sisters travels, etc by purely blocking people. Why wouldn’t that be hugely suspicious? His Mom being on TACS with no signs of disability? I do sincerely hope it isn’t a scam, however it’s not looking good

Are you guys serious? He's not all there, you're beating up on someone who doesn't deserve it. Anthony and Opie are millionaires who at least started with everything working. Let this guy who didn't start with all the cogs in order get a break.

The guy is profoundly stupid and has had one or two dick surgeries but has it every been said that he has been diagnosed with any actual learning disability? Do you not think that it’s possible (although probable) that he has set up a GoFundMe account to get money from fans with the blessing of his Mother to help pay rent, get Mets and concert tickets, his sisters travels, etc?

On /r/quityourbullshit for those wondering...

Thanks sweetie.

I love it. I hope the fucking retard goes to jail.

Fucking Opie would suck a bag of dicks for this kind of attention.

Moderators just locked it because someone posted his name.

His donation page? Picking on Bobo is different than picking on Opie.

Yes, he's running a scam, but it's diminished capabilities. He's helped the show every time he could, why try to hurt this guy.